It is an innovation as important as the vital card. “My health space”, the digital health record launched two years ago – after 15 years of repeated failures of the shared medical file (DMP) – is anchored in the daily lives of the French. Eleven million patients have activated their accounts on the internet, including 450,000 first connections during the month of January alone. And usage is growing: 300,000 people connect every week, and more than 40% return to the application from one month to the next. “I found all my laboratory tests and ultrasounds in “My health space”. It’s super practical,” says Pauline, a young mother pregnant with her second child. “On the other hand, I was not able to apply for a European health insurance card for my trip abroad,” she regrets. “My Health space” actually concerns the patient’s medical file, the Health Insurance site remaining the one dedicated to administrative procedures.
Users can, however, securely send their prescription to the pharmacy of their choice so that their dispensation can be prepared. They also have their updated vaccination record after vaccination in a pharmacy. As a result, those who have used it praise the service: 91% of French people who have activated their “My health space” account say they could recommend it to their loved ones. As for the application, it is rated more than 4.6/5 on the Apple and Google stores.
Taught by past failures, Health Insurance and the digital health delegation (DNS) fought against “empty shell syndrome” so that, once opened, “My health space” would be well and truly supplied . Results, prescriptions, biological examinations, liaison letters, hospitalization reports are pouring in… One in two health documents is now sent directly to the digital notebook by health professionals. That’s 10 million documents each month. If doctors have long been reluctant to complete the DMP, which is time-consuming and tedious, this time they are more inclined to do so. On the one hand, they are financially encouraged: specific remuneration is provided for completing the medical summary section (VSM) for the first time which takes up the patient’s history, and part of the fixed remuneration of doctors depends on the fact that They then regularly add information to the digital notebook. But above all, the DNS has carried out a lot of work with medical software publishers within the framework of “Ségur digital” in order to make their task easier. As a result, in January, more than 45,000 city doctors submitted documents. Every month, between 100,000 and 200,000 medical records are consulted by health professionals, while waiting for wave 2 of “Ségur digital” to further facilitate and generalize this use. “We carried out a Sentinel operation with the doctors to look with them at everything that was wasting time. We have done a lot of debugging and a new wave of software will arrive,” promises Hela Ghariani, ministerial delegate for digital health. “And for users who are furthest from digital technology, we have a whole network of ambassadors and partnerships with associations to facilitate inclusion,” she continues.
Also read “My health space”, the executive’s digital weapon to manage the health of the French
“We are measuring the progress made, the result of a very strong mobilization of all stakeholders,” rejoices Thomas Fatôme, Director General of Health Insurance, recalling that the digital health record is “a fantastic tool for improving prevention as well as the quality and relevance of care”. In fact, in addition to the medical file itself, “My health space” also contains secure messaging which allows the doctor to contact his patients and send them documents while respecting medical confidentiality. Patients can respond to him, but not send messages on their own initiative.
In the coming weeks, the digital health record will also be enriched with a health diary allowing patients to be sent automatic reminders so that they do not forget key appointments for monitoring children’s health. , its systematic vaccination and screening reminders or pregnancy monitoring. In addition, to prepare for the upcoming arrival of “My prevention report”, policyholders can already complete their self-questionnaire at different key ages of life (18/25 years, 45/50 years, 60/65 years and 70/75 years), in order to facilitate exchanges with their health professionals. Finally, the digital notebook also offers a catalog of validated and certified applications for their efficiency, security, CNIL compliance, etc. To date, around twenty applications are listed, but many more should be added over the months. So many tools available to the patient to monitor their health or get prevention advice.