TV Five years ago, they launched together the consumer programs, For the same money’. From tonight store Jan Van Looveren, Thomas Vanderveken and Britt Of Marsenille it over any other bow in ‘Factcheckers’. “We want the lie of the truth to distinguish.”

you Can own a ‘keyless car’ hacking? You fall off of tequila? And is pee in a swimming pool dangerous? Jan Van Looveren (51), Thomas Vanderveken (37) and Britt Of Marsenille (38) to propose tonight, not only the questions, they solve she also touched on. Also the tequilavraagstuk. “Anything for science,” says Thomas. “If you have lots of tequila must drink, or to swim in a pool full of urine to the truth, then we do that. Although now and then reluctantly. Sure if Jan enter,” laughs Thomas.

“‘Factcheckers’ there is come because we are, after five successful seasons ‘For the same money’ meaning you had something new”, the trio clearly. “We were with z’n all that feeling of uncertainty, that you for the start of a new program have yet ever experienced. Perhaps, it is inherent in the creative minds that they after a while in need of oxygen and a different playing field? ‘Factcheckers’ is also so much more intense than ‘For the same money’. And therefore, just nicer. All we have is the impact on our common life, however, what is underestimated”, says Jan. “This is not a nine-to-fivejob. It keeps us all day and night on. Always and everywhere, there is suddenly an additional inspiration, a new incentive to investigate. We are filming also very much itself, which is everything, of course, is even more special.”