
The vice president of Burundi, Prosper Bazombanza, announced on Tuesday during a televised speech that Belgium will provide 75 million euros to support agriculture and health programs in Burundi, as reported by the financial news agency Bloomberg. This marks the first bilateral cooperation program between Belgium and Burundi since 2015. Back then, the Michel government had suspended some development aid following violence in Burundi after President Pierre Nkurunziza’s reelection. However, most of these programs continued, according to Caroline Gennez’s office.

The new cooperation is not aimed at reviving the projects halted in 2015. Instead, the focus of the new program is on good governance in the sectors supported by Belgium: agriculture, health, and education. It also emphasizes strengthening civil society organizations and citizen initiatives.

In addition to financial support, Belgium will provide technical assistance and capacity building to ensure the success of the programs. This partnership underscores the commitment of both countries to sustainable development and improving the lives of the people in Burundi. Prosper Bazombanza expressed gratitude for Belgium’s continued support and highlighted the importance of international cooperation in addressing the challenges facing Burundi.

The renewed collaboration between Belgium and Burundi is a positive step towards promoting economic growth, social development, and stability in the region. By focusing on key sectors such as agriculture and health, the partnership aims to address the root causes of poverty and inequality in Burundi. Through this joint effort, both countries hope to create lasting impact and empower local communities to build a better future.

Overall, the new cooperation between Belgium and Burundi signifies a fresh start in their relationship, emphasizing mutual respect, shared goals, and a commitment to sustainable development. It sets a positive example for other countries and international partners to follow, demonstrating the power of collaboration in overcoming challenges and achieving common objectives. The successful implementation of the programs will not only benefit the people of Burundi but also strengthen the bonds between the two nations, paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for all.