Animals Laurie Wolf, an American woman who resides in Florida, did not know what she saw when she was on a morning looked out of the window: “for unicorn!”. From a nest box in her garden was not only an adult owl but also a chick peeping. Only it was no uilenjong, but a eendenkuiken.

A month earlier an eastern schreeuwuil nestled in the cabinet in her garden. When Laurie Wolf and her husband a month later, a fluffy eendenkuiken saw appear, they did not know very well what they had to do. “Those two were sitting there just next to each other,” said Wolf. “I still can’t get in.” the

Because the owl is a bird of prey that lives off of smaller prey animals such as chicks and mice, decided the couple to seek the advice of a roofvogelexpert. That confirmed that she the chick but better out of the litter. Then it would go to a local shelter, where his chances of survival are the greatest. the

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