Peter Ingemann has come into trouble on Instagram.

He has removed a picture, where ‘dancing with the stars’star Thomas Evers told Ekstra Bladet that he had begun to work at a seafood restaurant, where guests confuse him with Peter Ingemann.

That in itself was not a problem, but since the next one could catch a glimpse of the Page 9-girl from the same newspaper, and as the tits and exceeds the Instagrams rules, was the lookup so deleted.

‘Yes, her right breast-wart, as seen from the Julie Ea’s perspective (a little udtværret pga of crumpled newspaper, and ditto my skills in photography) was simply too strong diet for Mark Zuckerberg and co. I’m sorry,’ writes Peter Ingemann.

Danish celebrity – 4. mar. 2019 – at. 18:45 Peter Ingemann judge almost naked ladies: It must the wife endure

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yes, Yes, so it went no longer. But the lookup for dancer Thomas Evers Poulsen, who is confused with me in public, and viceversa, was, after all, in 5 days. The advertisement was accompanied by a photo from EB, and since the article was on page 8, came a corner of page 9…..almost completely at random. The censorship has now deleted my postings and thus also to the EBs page 9-girl (Julie Ea, 31 and from Galway) who could be seen peering out to the right. Yes her right breast-wart, as seen from the Julie Ea’s perspective (a little udtværret pga of crumpled newspaper, and ditto my skills in photography) was simply too strong diet for Mark Zuckerberg and co. I am sorry. But now they say that the imagination is stronger than it actually experienced, so I will just tell you that Julie Ea (Thomas Evers) so brandgodt out of the picture. Julie Ea is 31 summers and sharp in all ends and edges. The sultry gaze and the long bright tresses and the tank (yes, almost the smell) of a number 54 with salad and sour cream from Bagsvaerd Pizzaria, would make even Benedict d. 16 (ex-pope, went under the name of “God’s Rottweiler”) to jump virilt out of his dementia-padded cell (yes he lives as far as is known still)…..thank you for you Julie Ea, Thomas Evers and the imagination. The – and you – can the social mediemastodonter not yet put in chains….. PS The real funny thing is that Facebook refuses to publish this posting. It is only Instagram that has it lying around…..scary

A post shared by Peter Ingemann (@ingemannpeter) the

En Ekstra Bladet asks Peter Ingemann on the above lookup, it is a grinning tv host, we get in the tube.

– It is not the first time, he says.

As it last year emerged that the parents had begun to ask skolefotografer to edit their children’s pictures to get them to appear more perfect, he chose to share one of his own barndomsbilleder – where he was naked, – as a response.

– I had painted a proper penis in order to compensate for the small one. I would also improve my image. But it was removed, and I was almost threatened with quarantine, he laughs.

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Peter Ingemann has, however, also a more serious ulterior motive to share the picture and interfere in the debate on the censorship in the social media.

– It is worrying that private milliardfirmaer and censor – bypassing the law and the courts. They determine the just, he says, and points to the example recently, where the former member of parliament Martin Henriksen got rid of a lookup of an employee in the immigration office.

– I certainly don’t agree with him, and I think that his lookup was terrible. But that’s why he has the right to put it up. And I think, it is worrying, to put the morals and ethics that you believe that may have in one country, down over Denmark, which was the first country in the world, which freed billedpornografien.

Too racy for Instagram. It is this image of the paper edition of Ekstra Bladet, who might not be on social media. Photo: Peter Ingemann

the Tv host says that you would not find in it the same from other companies.

– Imagine if it was the Volkswagen, Sony, or Coca-Cola, which would determine what we had to write, say and show to each other on our own private pages, which, however, is publicly available. I think that it is a thought worth, and therefore I put it up here.

– So it was a deliberate provocation, that you just got a little bit of Page 9-the girl in the picture?

– It was probably not entirely a coincidence. I know that there are rules, he laughs and describes it as a study of how far one can stretch the boundaries.

See also: Frustrated Ingemann: – It is grotesque

Peter Ingemann has also tried to share the same challenge on Facebook, but here is the advertisement has not yet been published.

– So I’m doing a lookup on that Mark Zuckerberg determines what must be given up – and it is, thus, not been laid up, laughing tv host, and stresses that he is a big fan of the Page 9-girl.

You don’t see her on Instagram, but here with the Extra Magazine you may like to see Julie Ea. You can see the gallery with her here. (+)