Pink published Instagram picture, which her children feed the pelican. His youngest, gabe, minor dressing caused someäläkän.Pink on the red carpet last spring.

sing star Pink published Instagram account atmospheric picture of your kids giving the game the khan grub. Soon after the publication of the image in the comments field flared hostile debate. The nasty commentators I cut the star 2-year-old boy in the picture obviously the lower end bare.

snide little comments in Pink remove previously published pictures and put the censored image. A new picture of the boys of the lower end is properly mess around.

Pink wrote a new image alongside the anger there saateteksti.

– part of you is something really wrong. You guys would freak my baby penis? Circumcision? Are you absolutely serious? Like any normal mother on the beach, I didn’t even notice that he took the swim diaper off, the singer writes.

the Pink background in that it removed the previous picture because he likes somekommentoijia gross relevant. He also closed the comment of the picture.

– the negative of what you bring to other people. Here is a picture of the pelican, which, of course, we captured and we assaulted for hours before holding the baby penis in front of it, Pink to write a hot as the picture alongside.

the Pink update has since received more than 760 000 likes.

Pink is making a hits solo career his the year 2000. AOP