Princess Madeleine and her family change for the summer to Sweden.Princess Madeleine and her fiance Chris O’neill will change for the summer to Sweden. AOP

sweden’s princess Madeleine and her family, husband Chris O’neill and his three children live in Florida, but change of residence in the summer.

–the Whole family comes for the summer to Sweden, a court spokesman Margareta Thorgren said the Expressen newspaper.

Summer plans, at least we know that the family arrived in Sweden as soon as early June, and Madeleine and Chris attend the Swedish national day celebrations at skansen on the sixth of June.

not Yet known see also Nestor , Nicolas and Adrienne celebrations.

One of the reasons for madeleine’s family for a long time residence in Sweden is the princess of, written by children’s book Stella och hemligheten (Stella and secret), which appeared in the fourth of June.

Madeleine has been working on a book for several years, and it has become Madeleine.

–He really expect the book to publish, Thorgren continue.

the Book launch employs Madeleine, in particular the beginning of the summer, but he has time also for a holiday.

the princess’s family has a summer habit of spending long periods of Öland and Sollidenin.

Thorgren, Madeleine the summer schedule has not yet been finalized.

This looks like madeleine in the book. AOP