MALLORCA / BEKKESTUA (Dagbladet): He tried to avert it, Karina Hollekims father. The augustdagen in ‘ 81, on the way home from a road trip in Northern Norway, notified all the instincts of danger. With his four-year-old daughter in the back seat, and Karinas mom in the passenger seat, he saw no other option than to turn the steering wheel towards the ditch.

Then happens the inevitable. The two cars collide front to front. The impact is powerful – and fatally.

The oncoming car came over into the wrong lane. Our lanes. As dad steer towards the ditch, discovers the other driver what is about to happen, and trying to straighten up. Then, he meets dad, or rather my mom. She gets the throttle in any way on 80 kilometres an hour, ” says Karina Hollekim Dagbladet (42).

– Lifeless at the roadside

Fireåringen being thrown through the frontruta. She lands on the hood, and the face is covered in shards of glass. When she blocks up the eyes, with the of health professionals. Shards of glass on the ground. Blue lights in the air. His mother on the stretcher – around her lies the family’s food, clothing and belongings strewn.

It must have gone some time, but I remember the sight of my mom who is lifeless at the roadside. The ambulance is there, and they take her with them. I remember screaming, because of course I want to be with her. And then I remember a foreign taxi driver who is holding me in his arms.

When ambulansedørene closed, it’s four months until the little girl get to see her again.

– She lies in a coma for four months. When mom wakes up, she has got a permanent brain injury. She is lame on the whole høyresida, and has lost all memory.

a LOT of INJURIES: master leaderboard participant and former base jumper Karina Hollekim tells about the injuries she picked up in 2006, when the parachute was not triggered properly in a parachute jump, and she hit the ground at over 100 miles an hour. Video: Christian Roth Christensen Show more

she Remembered you?

No … It put a deep impression. My mom, as I knew her, was gone. And she never came back.

The last of the skipped

Mother Sidsel was life-threatening injured and predicted a life in a wheelchair. It was also dattera Karina Hollekim, when she exactly 25 years later, 20. august 2006, jumped out from a plane in Switzerland. The former fristilkjøreren and basehopperen had well over 600 jumps behind him.

CLEAR MEMORY: at Home at Bekkestua draws Karina Hollekim a picture of skrekkfallet in 2006. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet Show more

Hollekim knew it not then, as she folded out of the plane during halftime of the world cup in paragliding, that this would be her very last jump.

It had rained throughout the morning. I and a group of friends had been invited to entertain during the break, and it was kjempestemning. We had been waiting a long time before we were allowed to take off, but then came the klarsignalet.

the Clouds had broken up, and the sun sent rays on the crowd below them. The then 30-year-old was the last one who jumped.

– We should fly in formation. I flew over and under the venninna mi, and remember the smile on her face. “Fy father, this is a perfect jump”, I thought.

FEARLESS: Karina Hollekim was a base jumper in the world. Here she has just thrown out from Kuala Lumpur Tower – one years before the accident in Switzerland. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more – “This is it”

A just over a minute after pulled parachute. Hollekim know a jerk, and realize immediately that something is wrong. A flickering sound that should not be there. 30-year-old casts his gaze up at the sky and see that there is a malfunction in the screen. Hollekim know how critical the situation is. She has lost friends this way.

– G-forces were too great. It would not resolve themselves, no matter how much I tried. In that moment I thought “this is it”.

“I figured that if one is capable to feel such kind of pain, one can’t possibly be dead,” Karina Hollekim

the Body spins uncontrollably down towards the ground at 100 kilometers an hour. It takes ten seconds. “Brace for impact”, was the last she thought. So it’s black.

I don’t know how long has passed when I wake again. It was just as if I saw myself in the bird’s-eye view. His legs were in the L-formation. I remember that I thought: “Is that how it feels to be dead?”.

IN AMBULANSEFLYET: From the hospital in Switzerland Karina transported in the ambulansefly to Oslo and Ullevål university hospital. Karinas father, Bear Sønsterud, meant everything in the years that followed. Photo: Private Show more Indescribable pain

A fraction of a second later, Hollekim a brutal physical reaction.

The pain was so deep and sincere … I figured that if one is capable to feel such kind of pain, one can’t possibly be dead.

the 30-year-old svimer.

When she wakes up in the hospital, it has been two days. Hollekim is alive, but has lost large quantities of blood. By hitting kampesteinen had the head and back have been spared. On the other hand, was all from the hip and down crushed. Four fractures of the left femur. Two broken knees. 21 open fractures in the right-hand side.

HAVE to LEARN TO GO: After the accident in Switzerland in 2006, experienced Karina Hollekim many setbacks. She got a blood clot and was struck by various infections. 42-year-old gave however, never up the hope of being able to stand on their own two feet again. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

the Doctor told me that Karina was lucky that he is alive, but that she would never be able to walk again.

It was like a knyttneveslag in the face. Then the doctor closed the door to my room, there was a little as if he closed the door to my life.

Would amputating the leg

There are remarkably many parallels in the history of the mother and daughter.

Karina spent countless hours at Sunnaas hospital, where she followed the mom’s struggle back to life. After having been predicted a life in a wheelchair, came Sidsel on their feet.

They had to train and teach her up to that I was dattera her. They would then like to create the feeling of love again. Langtidshukommelsen never came back, but she learned – a lot of thanks to a tremendous fighter-ability – to go again.

It would take 20 surgeries and three years before Karina could also disprove his doctor’s prediction. In the meantime, it had been discussed amputating one leg.

Dad denied it. He said: “If you amputerer her leg, taking away the little spark she has left”.

SCARS: Karina Hollekim had four fractures of the left femur, two broken knees, and 21 open fractures in the right-hand side. It resulted in 20 operations in total. Here depicted when the Newspaper met her in Mallorca last summer. Photo: John T. Pedersen / Dagbladet Show more Weighed 42 kilos

the Doctors managed to save the leg. From there and out, had Karina rely on your own willpower.

– There was a devil in me. At one point I weighed 42 kilos and I looked like a little sparrow. But I told myself how strong and tough I was. Time and time and time again.

Support from papa Bear was invaluable in the opptreningsperioden. It was he who took over parental responsibility when the mother was seriously injured, and do not let down less effort when Karina even ended up in the accident.

I have a very good relationship with my parents today. My dad lives in Hemsedal, and we spend almost all holidays and weekends in the winter along with him. It is almost like our second home. My mom was visiting with us at yesterday. I see her as often as I can.

MY EXAMPLE: Karina Hollekim describes her mother Sidsel as a fighter. Photo: Private Show more – Full life

For it is no longer only Karina Hollekim, the father and the mother. 42-year-old, who long feared that she could not be pregnant, currently has two children with his partner Benjamin Jensen.

I love family life, and think that we are very lucky. I realize that the A4-life as I might feared – because I was afraid not to master it – is very nice. That there is room for many variants within the A4-life also. I am very grateful to be able to have what I believe is a full life. We have incredibly fine, and I’m at a place in life where I am satisfied.

LIFE FELL into PLACE: Karina Hollekim has embraced A4-a-lifetime with the family, and could not set for himself a different being. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet Show more

Karina Hollekim does not come from a sport where the medals are in focus. She has been a pioneer for the base jump, and still stands as the only Norwegian woman who has driven with basejump professionally.

She is also the first female athlete who has completed a base jump on skis. And now, she is – after all – one of the participants competing for the title of “master leaderboard” on NRK.

” I am pleased and proud of every step I manage to take, for it would not really have been possible. I’m quite sure that faith can move mountains. I’m going to have to fight for it until I located under the torva. I think that as long as I never give up, so I can not fail. Maybe I need to adapt me, but I’m still on the road in the direction that I want. It is only I who put my own limitations.

Was just been a football professional when all finished private: – A time characterized by the lie