Singing sensation Adele enjoyed a girls ‘ night to his friend, the actor Jennifer Lawrence.Adele hasn’t released new music in 2015.

New York Pieces-in a gay bar on a Friday night at a party could rub his eyes, as the bar to visit the world of the stars. the Adele , 30 Jennifer Lawrence , 28, were at the bar in a humid atmosphere. The Daily Mail has released pictures and video of the celebration of women.

Adele’s most recent album, 25, was released in the year 2015. AOP

the two Friends attended, inter alia, on stage in drag-artist drag into a drinking game. Adele stumbles to the stage to climb in and got Jennifer to crash on top of. Together, all tangled up retkottaneet women giggling situation.

When the host asked Adele what this will do for a living, world-renowned singer had answered modestly.

– I Am currently a housewife.

Adelella and husband Simon Konecka is an 8-year-old Angelo -son.

Adele and the hunger games-in the movies Jennifer have been friends for about six years. They were introduced to the 2013 Oscars. Both won at the time, Oscar award, Adele James Bond movie Skyfall-the id of the song and Jennifer page for her role in American Hustle movie. Jennifer is annealing have been its biggest Adele fan already in 2008.

Last summer it was reported that Adele would be returning to the music world to a new disk work.