Queen Elizabeth met with the Jordanian royal huge contusion on his left hand. Express lists reasons sinertävälle hand.Queen Elizabeth represented by the gloved hands of the London fashion week a year ago.

British queen Elizabeth and jordan’s royal king Abdullah II , queen of Ranian crown prince Hussein meeting at Buckingham palace sparked british concern for the queen’s health. 92-year-old queen’s left hand was a bluish bruise.

so far, the cause of contusion is not clear and the court refused to comment on the issue.

Previously, Express reported that a contusion of the background can be a small downfall. The queen was last year’s cataract surgery, and often after surgery bruising can become more easily. Also the queen’s advanced age may be a contusion of the reason for old age skin thins and bruises are clearly visible.

Other causes can also have blood-thinning medicines or the fact that the queen is taken, for example, a blood test or his hand is the other reason the set needle.

Speculation bruising of the reasons to continue on. The Express reckons that the contusion could have resulted from, for example, poor peripheral blood circulation. Peripheral vascular problems are seen, for example, hands and feet cold. Circulation problems, in turn, may be due to, for example, the artery-related problems.

Queen Elizabeth didn’t try to cover up his left hand ornaments the bruise. AOPValtava bruise sparked british concern to the 92-year-old the queen’s health. AOPKäden contusion stole the attention of the queen and jordan’s queen Ranian and king Abdullah II in a meeting. AOP