The CNews channel was “warned” by the media regulator, Arcom, following a sequence in September which questioned the link between the resurgence of bedbugs and immigration, the Authority said. to AFP on Tuesday. The body’s decision was notified in a letter to majority deputy Christopher Weissberg, who had contacted Arcom with several other deputies. He published it Monday evening on his X account (ex-twitter).

Arcom explains that it “noticed that the host of the show (Pascal Praud, Editor’s note) had questioned a speaker about a possible link between the resurgence of bedbugs and immigration. She considered that the very wording of this question was likely to encourage discriminatory behavior. She “warned the Cnews channel against the renewal of such breaches and asked it to exercise the greatest vigilance regarding compliance with the aforementioned stipulations,” specifies the letter. In the disciplinary scale of the instance, the warning occupies the second level, after the letter reminding the regulations and before the formal notice and the sanctions.

The sequence in question was taken from the show “L’heure des pros”, presented by Pascal Praud. “Do we know why there are more bedbugs today? Is this related to hygiene? I’m going to ask all the questions,” says the host in the preamble to his interlocutor, Nicolas Roux de Bézieux, founder-director of a platform specializing in the management of pests such as bedbugs. “There is a lot of immigration at the moment. Is it people who do not have the same hygienic conditions as those on French soil who bring them, because they are in the street, because perhaps they do not have do they not have access to all the services like the others? Is this linked to that?”, asks the journalist.

In early March, French Minister for Europe Jean-Noël Barrot claimed that the bedbug psychosis that spread in France last fall had been “artificially amplified” by Russia. Contacted on Tuesday, CNews did not immediately react.