“Grow – Tips for your cultivation”
“Rappne: Here are the flowers that can withstand freezing temperatures.”
“By the light of the return of becoming, the craving for flowers, leaves and color all the stronger. But as long as the nights persist with temperatures below zero, so it is best to choose flowers that can withstand a few degrees below zero to utekrukorna. Here is the gardener Bosse Rappnes best tips.”
“– It was a long time ago, I longed so much after the spring of this year, ” says Bosse Rappne, gardener at Ulriksdals castle garden. I want lots of flowers and color and luckily, there are plenty to choose from here in the springtime.”
“do you Want to put color on utekrukorna you probably know already that the pansies and bulb plants, such as daffodils and pärlhyacinter, belonging to the tuffingarna that can withstand freezing temperatures. “
“– Penséen is one of the strongest and hardiest of you can think of. Is the well grown as to pass the right down to 5-7 degrees below zero without any problems.”
“But there are a variety of other plants that are doing well to put out as of now. Moreover, it makes the cold that the flowers stand up much longer.”
” The flowers are blooming, not only to be beautiful, they bloom in order to reproduce. As soon as you see a flower starting to be a bit ugly and wither, then you should remove it. I think the plant that; wow, I have not made enough seeds for my next generation, I must make more flowers, so it becomes even more seeds. So away with all the faded flowers as soon as possible, ” says Bosse Rappne.”
“do you Have problems with deer, you should bet on the narcissus, they usually roe deer, let be because the juice is sticky and tastes a little sharp.”
“– My favorite of the year is narcissen Silver chames, which is klasblommig, very nice, ” says Bosse Rappne.”
“Among Bosse Rappnes other favorites are gyllenlack, a really stable plant that can be 60 to 80 centimeters high. Don’t be fooled by its sirlighet, this also withstands frost. Pinch away fröhusen so it blooms a really long time.”
“– If I try to get on a trend, I think jordvivan going strong, primula, ” says Bosse Rappne. It smells amazing. Imagine having the along the road up to the entrance, one enters through the gate and you are welcomed by jordvivans good smell. There you are always happy.”
“Also the forget-me-nots are durable and can withstand down to 3-4 degrees. And it would get colder, so you can cover the pots with a sheet or towel so as not to cold settles directly on the plants.”
” And look at this little pink strandtriften, so incredibly nice. And ranunkeln is also a real favorite.”
“Complement your meal with something that hangs down over the edge of the pot, it’s neat. Ivy is a safe bet but the trifolium, which are available in lots of colors, also durable, and they can you have left for the whole summer.”
“– Replace the plants around it, but let trifolium stand. They are available in lovely colors and combinations so it is easy to get a match on it.”
“A real old classic is toffelblomman available in many nice colors.”
“– this cultivated my dad when I was little and I thought it was fun to go and crush the flowers, it was perhaps not so successful, ” says Bosse Rappne. Also durable, able to withstand a few degrees below zero without any problems.”
“On the spring should also be a bit frugal with vattningen. Do not water too much every time, they will, of course, does not dry, but it should not be dyngsurt in the pots.”
“– take Care of the flowers right, so many of them stay nice all the way until midsummer, ” says Bosse Rappne.”
“Flowers that can withstand freezing temperatures:”
“Tips for planting in a pot.”