“Grow – Tips for your cultivation”
“Rappne: So you become the easiest of weeds”
“Weed – it grows very frodigast and is first up in the flower beds are weeds. Here is the gardener Bosse Rappnes the best tips in the fight against the uninvited guests kirskål, couch grass and dandelion.”
“Nothing in the discount is well as healthy green and growing with such a rocket speed that the weeds, it is a real etableringsväxt. In amongst, it can seem overwhelming to win the fight. But don’t go and pull on it, the spring and early summer is actually the best time to clear away the weeds. It comes to be out in good time before they can start to flower and fröa of itself, and be big and tough to get up.”
“I must admit that even I think it is especially fun to pull weeds,” says Bosse Rappne. Then it is to make it easy for themselves. One is that you have a good ground and the other is that it clears as soon as the weeds begin to prick up. An English trädgårdslord who have said, ’One year’s seeding iIs seven years weeding’, that is to say that you let the weeds flower and fröa so you get clean for seven years to get rid of the generation of weed seeds. So you delete the weeds before it fröar so you won’t have that problem.”
“take the opportunity to purge when it’s sunny and warm weather. If the weeds are small and herbaceous, it may good be left in the flower bed, where it dries in just a few hours, and already after a week, it has become soil again.”
“– this garden plot has in the past year had a lot of weed, man I have cleared a little bit every year and kept aside and with the time has the amount of weed dropped so now it is quite easy to clear the little that is, ” says Bosse Rappne and shows around among the flowers in the flower bed. “
“There are a lot of different gear to choose from when you clean the weeds and which ones you think works the best can be a matter of taste. Here are some of the Rappnes favorites.”
“– Stigbygelhackan I think is the absolute best. This is also articulated, and then I can both pull it backwards and push it forward which is effective, ” says Bosse Rappne.”
“A fixed stigbygelhacka also works well. It is crowded between the plants, a trådredskap facilitate access to everywhere.”
“– that which was most common in the past, this classic skyffeljärnet. It comes forward all the time, but here are the ends sticking out which makes it a bit difficult to use it close to plants without damaging them. Then stigbygelhackan better.”
“– it Is a little tougher weeds, then I like this pick. Perfect if I have grästovor I want to get away, or if it is hard in the hill. With the hoe can I chop of pålrötter that I do not get up also, ” says Bosse Rappne.”
“Some of the smaller tools are also great to have on hand. Hoes are available in different variants and with a common planteringsspade will get you far.”
“– this is a maskrosjärn, ” says Bosse Rappne. I don’t like to pull the dandelions out of the lawn, I think it is a ”waste of time”. Then it is better to make sure that the grass is doing well and fertilize with chicken manure. Have you a lot of dandelions in the lawn, it is a sign that you have it a bit lean in the earth. It is usually better if you fertilize and get up the nutritional value.”
“To be out early is extra important for example, if you have a problem with kirskål, nettles and couch grass. The earlier you start cleaning the better adjusted it will be.”
“– Kirskål is almost impossible to get rid of, ” says Bosse Rappne. But if you are a little persistent so you can keep it in check.”
“if you Succeed in clearing away most of the time also the perennials and summer flowers grow and the weeds less space to spread out on. Do you have lawn next to the flower beds, it may be a good idea to put down kantjärn to stop the invasion from the lawn into the flower bed. Then, when you clear you can take, for example, stigbygelhackan along with kantjärnet you clear in a simple and effective way.”
“– Simple and easy, the way it should be, ” says Bosse Rappne and get on to the next discount.”
“the Bosses 8 best weeders”