Hip-hop and jazz-band to stop its activities this year in the end.Redrama (left), Valtteri Pöyhönen, Tommy Lindgren and Paleface presented in the autumn published by Ricky-Tick Big Band & the album.

, Paleface and Tommy Lindgren form a band to stop its activities. The band told the news on Facebook and to thank their fans for the past years of support.

– Ricky-Tick Big Band & the Public Words cease operations the end of this year. Each kollektiivimme member has their own adventure, which they continue. RTBB continue to operate, and coming up next is our vision of what instrumental big band music can be in the 2000s. RTBB:i. call this moment stronger domestic jazz musicians and future music our they are in the spotlight, the conductor Valtteri Laurell Pöyhönen to write.

Ricky-Tick Big Band will therefore continue to operate, but without the trio.

Paleface, Redrama and Tommy Lindgren will continue, of course, also have their own musical and artistic paths. And it is quite clear that this collective of members come to cooperate in different contexts in the future.

the Band appeared for the first time, together with April Jazz festival in 2013. After the job is accumulated in the range of approximately one hundred.

in the Best case, people who generally do not care for jazz music, have changed the understanding of and respectively the other way around rap music.

the Band clarified that the reform in that genre would require such radical changes that the end result would sound like already someone else from the band.

my Own life

Keep the lights on -disc the title track to Paleface, Redrama and Tommy Lindgren inspired by his own life the tragic story of

the evening paper interviewed the band in the autumn of the album after the release. Particularly proud of the foursome was the fact that has got to be a part of the music world’s margins.

– If you look at just the most successful tip of the iceberg, which is the entertainment market place, so we left most of the music without seeing. Under groundista get all the new stuff. We operate our ‘ 90s rap with a time when rap wasn’t trendy. No one is interested in what we do.

– Now rap has broken into the stadiums, it has become a pop culture defining phenomenon. It is appropriate to ask whether the music business gatekeeper in daring to bring new music out? For example, the kind of artists who look or sound different? Kicked the Paleface at the time.

Keep the lights on -disc the title track to Paleface, Redrama and Tommy Lindgren draw your own life tragic stories. Each of them know what it feels like to lose a loved one.

– the name of your own versessä my friends who have committed suicide. We have time to men and experienced in our career rise – and the economic downturn. We’ve been in difficult places also people. When the show that is dark, it is important to keep the thoughts bright as Paleface said.