The actor not only your image in the voting booths also published a picture on social media.Riku Nieminen told Juice-movie Susanne day alongside.

Actor Riku Nieminen is used in the civil rights and voted in advance of the parliamentary elections.

Nieminen has been informed by the Instagramiaan image with:

– It is filled! Use you voice your rights.

Nieminen is also tägää by the post assigned it voted for the candidate, as well as added an image of the electoral ticket, which stands tall with a big candidate number.

If Instagram-embed does not appear, you can get it from this link.

such As post a comment in recalled vote in the booth shooting is prohibited, however.

it is, inter alia, the Helsingin sanomat story, which is assembled with instructions for voting behavior. The case prompted the ministry of justice’s election director Arto Jääskeläiseltä , whether the voting booth, take a selfie or tubettaa. The answer is unambiguous:

– is Not allowed.

– This is based on a secret ballot. Images not at least take the voting slip number, Jääskeläinen answer.

the voting booth is also to go alone. Exception is made only if the voter needs the election assistant. The election assistant is not, however, be the election of the candidate as a person and not his / her spouse, children, siblings or parents.

Even children should not be taken into the voting booth. Although Jääskeläinen mitigate the issue by saying that a small child’s involvement in the matter. The decision of the child into the booth to do at the polling place.

Riku Nieminen described the Carp-a series of press occasion. INKA SOVERI