inland, There is no morals or geweldfeit committed on a four-year-old student of a Schaerbeek school. This is reported by the public prosecutor in Brussels during a press conference. In the slip of the child was a Thursday blood found, but the hemorrhage appears to be the result of an infection. For the second day in a row protesters gathered on the French-speaking community school École 1. There are riots erupted after the declaration of the public prosecutor was read. Parents and young people refuse the conclusion of the public prosecutor’s office to accept.

The Brussels public prosecutor has examined whether a 4-year-old girl molested on Schaarbeekse school. The mother of the toddler got Thursday to the police of Brussels North (Schaerbeek/Evere/Saint-Josse-ten-Node). After her daughter had picked up, she found blood stains in the underwear of the girl. The minor was transferred to the hospital to the care to get. The public prosecutor of Brussels confirmed that injuries were found on the girl.

Read also about 200 parents protesting at Schaerbeek school after possible sexual assault toddler

this Morning at 11 am, took a press conference on the research. “There was an audiovisual interrogation of the girl by specialist officers and other parties also were answered. A law doctor was advanced and examined the medical reports about the child. In this stage of the investigation, can the prosecution confirm that there is no zedenfeiten or any other form of violence used. The injuries were caused by an infection. There are no criminal offences identified”, said Denis Goeman, spokesperson of the public prosecutor in Brussels. Currently, the parents of the other students informed.

After yesterday approximately two hundred local residents came together, gathered this morning from 8.40 pm again about fifty people at the school. The number of protesters grew rapidly, and the street was closed by the police. Several parents wanted justice and demanded “the closure of the school” and “the resignation of the board of directors”. The school gave no comment.

After the declaration of the public prosecutor’s office was read to the school, there are riots erupted. There was with eggs and bottles at the police, thrown by parents and young people at the conclusion of the public prosecutor’s office do not want to accept.

Mayor Bernard Clerfayt (Défi) yesterday came on the spot to calm everybody down. “We are all impressed,” he said. “All medical services, the school and the police were mobilized as soon as we heard. The case is in the hands of justice given and we are waiting for information from the public prosecutor. We now live in a rule of law.”