A new portrait of crown prince Frederik was on Friday revealed at Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød.

the Man behind the painting of the former Kashmir-frontman Kasper Eistrup, and in the clip above you can see the presentation.

Eistrup, who have put the music on the shelf and instead concentrate on the art, was, according to the Ritzau surprised to be asked.

I submitted a sketch, but otherwise I had free hands. It appealed to me, for my wish has been to paint a portrait that is more than the story of a future king, he explains.

Kasper Eistrup on stage during the Northside Festival in 2013. Today revealed his painting of the crown prince. Photo: Marcus Andreassen Gonzales

Danish royal – 30. oct. 2018 – at. 20:15 the Queen to the reporter: What are They talking about?

Much more he will not reveal, but adds, however, that …

– the Theme is James Bond, I think, that the crown prince has the same charm and extroversion. I show him Deneme Bonusu in full figure with shoes, socks, shirt and hands. He is very elegant.

Prior to his 50th-birthday 26. may was the crown prince also spoiled with a portrait of the australian painter Ralph Heimans, where he according to the queen, was presented as a real ‘actionman’.

fred’s latest portrait was revealed in connection with his 50th birthday in may. Photo: Keld Navntoft

Danish royal – 14. nov. 2018 – at. 14:11 After the horrid flop: Now says the queen of Alex’s single