Village merchants put Finland’s auction of the emperor -tattoo another pohkeeseensa. The second was already to cope with the English-tattoo.Sampo and Mint Kaulanen, amongst other things, both begged for more intimacy.
lappilais entrepreneur Sampo Kaulanen has acquired at auction the emperor-the tattoo on his leg. Jouni trading -entrepreneurs tell their company Facebook pages and is presented to the tattoo process is also a Youtube channel published the video.
Previously, Kaulanen has taken to cope with the English -themed tattoo pohkeeseensa. Kaulanen profit to survive in Finland last year.
Now in its second calf stands tall auction the emperor logo.
Years, but now is the auction of the emperor logo on my calf. True fan hack all the best kits on its skin. Not only, last year I was a guest at the auction of the emperor-in the program and it escalated advertising space for sale, Kaulanen write updates in the context.
the village merchant jokes that he began ”to be that Four the best software already perfectly in” the skin. The auction of the emperor-a tattoo in the background will probably be apparently some form of betting on the Finnish auction of the emperor -a program of the familiar Aki palsa hill .
– Aki promised to pay me 300 euro for this. I think I’ll transfer it directly to you, Kaulanen throw in the video.
village trader Sampo Kaulanen tattoo last year of his legs to survive in the English programme logo. Now the second leg is the auction of the emperor-tattoo. Pete Anikari