Free time Still looking for a handbag, pair of shoes, a dress, pants or T-shirt to your lentegarderobe to complete? That’s because tomorrow is National NINA-day. And that means: shopping with many discounts!
Tomorrow you’ll find on the cover of NINA a shoppingkaart, good for a whole day of shopping fun. The only thing you must do is that shoppingkaart show to enjoy all the discounts and benefits in the participating shops. The discount is only valid on Saturday, may 18.
Curious for an overview of which brands participate? Here you can find a full list. A lot of shopping pleasure, for instance!
more in NINA:
Interview with Holly Mae Brood
Journey around the world with children
– The editorial test: the best ontharingsmethodes for the home
– What if your droomman on men?
– Discovered NINA’s capsulecollectie at Bel&Bo