Australian Simon Dorante-Day claiming to be prince Charles and duchess Camilla’s long-lost son. The court has not confirmed the man’s claim.Prince Charles is already 70 years old.

an australian man believes he is the prince of Wales Charles and duchess of Camilla secret child. the Simon Dorante-Day believes the duo have given him up for adoption. Dorante-Day princess Diana know him. Australia New idea for Dorante-Day argument.

– we Believe that Diana knew I was there.

Dorante-Day was born in Hampshire in 1966. At that time, prince Charles was still a teenager. According to the official prince met duchess Camilla’s until 1970.

Dorante-Day adopt queen Elizabeth a servant. He told me numerous times Dorante-Day, that man is really prince Charles ‘ offspring.

duchess of Cornwall Camilla has been married to the prince of Wales with Charles since 2005. AOP

Now Dorante-Day ask for a DNA test to prove relationship, The Mirror told me. Dorante-Day also calls himself prince Simon on social media. Successors according to man looks undeniably prince Charles and the duchess’ll check with camilla. The court has not commented on the claim.

Prince Charles has been told I hope the duchess Camillasta himself a wife already in his younger years.