Pia Lamberg background for the bad guy its relations with sleepover for Maria Veitola.12 things you didn’t know Pia Lambergista.

Thursday Sleepover Maria Veitola program in Maria Veitola to spend time in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Pia Lambergin with. Miss Finland his crown in 2011 renounced Pia to support themselves in the united states with work and fitness patterns. He lives in a rental on the beach in the vicinity of the investment area working partner Keith’s .

Pia Lamberg and Maria Veitola enjoy the Santa Monica sun. MTV3

Pia opens the program in Maria’s previous poor man’s relationships. She’s dating the other day a really jealous guy. Soon, he was jealous, for example, that, if she did a bikini shoot man photographer or at least someone filming the team members was a man.

– Unnecessary drama was so much, what took yourself all the forces. Ever wasn’t well and didn’t know where the dispute comes in. Got to be on your toes all the time, Pia describes the difficult former relationship.

Pia decided to take the distance of a man by traveling to Cape town. The ocean was between two-month journey.

the Relationship eventually ended in divorce, but the man still did not leave the Piaa alone.

the Man kept calling constantly and penetrated even to Soon be the new home to the yard.

It just went crazy. I’m not experienced in itself, that he would be dangerous, but, nevertheless, disgusting.

Pia told me that he has a history of dating really takertuvaista men with. In men, it has been difficult to get over a breakup.

the Men went crazy after the divorce. Many years after the put message that they want a new chance, Pia wonders.

He told me comforted that my ex-boyfriends have not been tormenting him for a year now.

Pia believes that he is to fall hopelessly in love with the wrong kind of men, therefore, that there has been too gullible. He expects to apply for its blue silmäisyllä codes men love and security in a new country.

a Sleepover Maria Veitola MTV3-channel on Thursdays at 21.