The railway workers working during the Olympic Games will also receive a nice jackpot. The day after a very successful day of strike in Ile-de-France transport, the unions (CGT-Cheminots, CFDT-Cheminots, Sud Rail, Unsa-ferroviaire, etc.) obtained on Wednesday, after a final negotiation session with management, an advantageous agreement at the national level for nearly 50,000 mobilized employees. “A fair and equitable agreement,” said the management of the public company. The railway workers will see their daily lives turned upside down during the event. It is only natural that he should get a fair return.”
SNCF agents will thus receive 95 euros gross per day worked during the Olympics, and therefore up to 1,900 euros for twenty days. A bonus close to what the unions demanded (100 euros gross). However, the latter did not obtain, in addition, an additional bonus, as requested. Trade union organizations have until Tuesday June 4, 2024 to sign this agreement. “The overall cost of these measures will have no impact on taxpayers or on the price of tickets for traveling customers,” SNCF said in a press release.
As the Olympics approach, railway workers are not the only ones to establish a balance of power. Paris Airport employees also went on strike on Tuesday to demand bonuses for the Games. Last week, thousands of firefighters demonstrated to demand treatment similar to that of the police who obtained a bonus of 1,900 euros for their mobilization this summer. The RATP unions, for their part, won bonuses of up to 2,500 euros.