Finnish blogger Eino Nurmisto, 28, was astonished when the legendary Spice Girls-a band to share his tattoo with the image of her in social media.Spice Girls making a comeback – but one is among the gone. Spice Girls band members shared in social media the Finnish blogger tattoo picture. AOP

the Spice Girls band share on Friday Finnish gay in This village boy -blogger Eino Nurmiston , 28, tattoo photo Instagram Stories-video. Phone to Disgusting super fan Nurmisto was taken aback by the situation.

I was Surprised, and I don’t originally notice this. I got the message, and I was like, oh my god! It was a surprising moment, Eino told the evening newspaper.

I got through life lasted fanitus Spice Girls -band. Whiz of the band at a mature seven years of age.

the Spice Girls share Einon tattoo photo Instagram Storiesissa. INSTAGRAM

the tattoo in the image selection Geri Horner , because Einolla is her special relationship.

He sums up such qualities, which I have always much admired. She is a feminist take, he is strong, courageous and sexual character. However, Ger biography-book highlights a sensitive and humane side of him. That book is personal my holy book, the blogger told me.

He told me he wrote as a child Gerille a fan letter, which was eventually signed back to.

– Now, the online is non-existent distance between people. Can the style of watch some of the season, when Geri feeds on the farm chickens, and in theory even to put a message to him. I’m not sure, so do you. But somekanavat shortening of the distance, Eino consider.

He took a tattoo in November when it made Outi Vihlman Impact Tattoo.

you Can look at a picture of the tattoo below, or here.