the LONDON – could Not wait to go back to dress up the hood with the stylish of Lando Carlissian, Billy Dee Williams . Indeed, he was even a little offended that in the two trilogies were still overlooking. Has remedied J. J. Abrams in Star Wars – The rise of Skywalker brings back the legendary quartet deployed by Lucas. Leia and Ian, Luke, and Lando. That was facing younger version in the prequel signed by Ron Howard that told of the origin of the friendship between solo and Lando, perfectly embodied by Donald Glover . But to meet the original at london’s Corinthia Hotel – 82 years and still great enthusiasm, this is definitely touching: “In fact, I was the last to be called back into action, I almost felt abandoned,” he jokes. Go back in time, to The empire strikes back. Claimed the audition for the role of Han solo, but prevailed to Harrison and a bit’ in the choice to take it to Lando Carlissian also played with the idea of a cast the widest on the front of the representation of the ethnic.