Fit & Healthy for Months, announced it to everyone: 2019 is the year of my first marathon. The kind that has nothing to do with Netflix, but everything with blood, sweat, and – spoiler – especially a lot of tears as soon as I realize where I started. In July 2018, I started exercising, on 7 april 2019, it is finally finished. Every Monday you can read the report here.
“Why walk the most accessible way of sports.” During the daily pendeluurtje is my attention was drawn to the cover of a magazine, by its previous owner alone left behind on the train. A welcome change from the eternal smartphone-scrolling, so scroll to the article in question. “Everyone,” as the headline in the first tussentitel. I nod in agreement and read on. “You have nothing,” said the second tussenkop. Except for comfortable clothing, but good. The third reason hook I. “It will cost you nothing,” assures the writer. The only thing I currently have, is that the author in question never had a pair of running shoes has settled.
€ 190. As much as costs the things that I, recently, weather, wind, and the corresponding modderplassen brave. You think: okay, but it probably was state of the art shoes with a built-in cadansmeter and energiebehoudende soles? No, not really. A hip millennialpink tan with roségouden details? Also not. My running shoes are … black. And that is the most that stands out about it to tell. That is because I have my running shoes, preferably from a specialized store purchase. Not that that’s any cool shoes in the assortment. Who have they will. I get them only to never see. The running shoes are there not in the shop, but somewhere tucked away in a warehouse. For they conjured, you must first have a job with sensors walk. That analyzes your feet and your running style. Then get on the basis of that result, only the shoes to see that match. And that are, unfortunately, rarely the ones you wanted. Actually I this time still lucky, because in the past I could even get my bank account to plunder it for two green-fluo-pink striped recesses. Try a fun matching loopoutfit to find.
Imagine that you are so soon to be a magazine encounter on the train Mechelen-Brussels, carelessly opened at the page “Why walk the most accessible way of exercise,” please know that everyone is the can. But that you do something to need. Running shoes, for example. And that which you do something costs. A hundred and fifty many euros. And your authentic style of their playing.
Sought and found: the trendiest running shoes of the moment. But let you first of all advise in a specialized shop (even though the odds are small that you post with one of these gems to go home).