“The Swedish Heroes in the world”

“the state of Emergency declared after the storm”

“Now make havoc of iskylan refugees ‘home”

“the Storm Norma has now struck and brought into iskylan over the refugee camps in Lebanon.”

“A heavy snow has severely damaged at least 150 of the country’s temporary flyktingbosättningar. The hospital has brimmed over, and schools have closed.”

“The lebanese government are now forced to declare a state of emergency.”

“the Winters can be tough in the bekaa valley, which is located east of Lebanon, and on Tuesday pulled the storm Norma in with full force. Fierce winds and heavy wet snow hit the area near the border with Syria, where a quarter of a million refugees from Syria living in temporary housing.”

“the Devastation is great among the simple homes. Tent collapsing under the wet snow, and the personal belongings lost or destroyed when the snow melts and overflows the settlements.”

“”Has been devastating””

“In several of the camps have covered the floods spoof away the medical equipment from the temporary hospitals that had been built up to give refugees basic medical care. “

“Just estimated around 11 000 person hit hard by the storm, but the whole 70 000 are at risk.”

“– The extreme weather with snow and heavy rains have had a devastating impact on refugees and their homes. The UNHCR and the Lebanese government has declared a state of emergency. UNHCR has worked around the clock since yesterday morning to help those affected, ” says Lisa van Hogerlinden working for the UNHCR on the ground in Lebanon.”

“During the christmas season, have readers been able to follow the tough situation of the refugees in a large series of articles. “

“Now collects Swedish Heroes money for the benefit of ”Sweden for UNHCR”, in order to save lives when iskylan pulls out of refugee camps. Swisha elective total 123 365 78 48, visit gåvoshopen or become a monthly donor here.”

“FAKTAu002FDet enough money to -”

“READ MORE: Sweden for UNHCR”