“Stefan Löfven would like to see more capital levy”

“Januariavtalet promise that the increasing economic gaps will reduce – but parts of it can broaden them.”

“the Agreement billion to the welfare benefit of those who do not have it so well off, claiming, however, prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) in an interview with TT.”

“And Löfven wants to take more out in taxes on capital income and from the financial sector.”

“the 73-point program, or januariavtalet, between the four parties, the S, MP, C and L are what will control large parts of Sweden the next four years.”

“An important part of it is a larger tax reform to increase employment, reduce taxes on jobs and enterprise, and at the same time.”

“I do not want to set what should happen with individual tax matters,” he says.”

“No dramatic increase”

“Whether he believes that the total taxes shall increase or decrease the he does not want to, nor respond to:”

“It is too early to say, but we have no thoughts on any dramatic increase,” he says.”

“its Partner and Centerledaren Annie Lööf has, however, its stance clear: the Purpose of the planned skattreformen is that the overall tax levy will decrease.”

“Research and the andre borgerlige partner, the Liberal party leader Jan Björklund, both have already managed to say no to återinförd property taxes, as well as the tax on inheritance, gifts and wealth.”

“But Stefan Löfven would not be clearer in this mode, if what he’s like.”

“– Januariavtalet is the starting point of a political work.”

“HH: Are the gaps for the big day?

“– Yes, it is the. We have gaps between low-paid and those who earn significantly more, between women and men, between town and country. We’ll reduce the gaps.”

“HH: IN januariavtalet is the most concrete points in the interests of those who serve better?”

” I do not share the image. Värnskatten is one such, yes. But the most important jämlikhetsfrågan is training – including the children of those who serve the poor have access to the same school. It is a very important matter of equality, of health care the same thing, and the care of the elderly.”

“Scientists tend to point to lower capital taxes in a time with increased revenue gains as well as reductions such as a-cash and sickness is the cause of the increased inequalities. Some actual concrete proposals to combat it are not in januariavtalet.”

” I can’t reproduce exactly what taxes there are, but the financial sector can contribute more.”

“He says that it is not the design of taxes on labour, which increases the differences, however, taxes on capital.”

” I believe that they can do more, yes.”

“HH: Height of the real estate taxes?”

“– once Again, I will not comment on individual taxes, and it is not of cowardice, but now we are going to manage an agreement.”

“When it comes to social security, he does look like a higher a-kassa for example, under the so-called flexicuritymodell mentioned in januariavtalet.”

” I can imagine that you have a higher such in the beginning, but unemployment insurance and sickness insurance shall also be designed so that it leads to going back to work. It is the most important part.”

“At the end of the year, I lost the automatic, additional indexing of the height of the gasoline and diesel tax. Temporarily?”

“Well, even where the holding Stefan Löfven cards close to your chest.”

“– Let us consider, it is also important to look at the big picture.”

“Completely unfazed by the yellow vests-the movement in France, he is not, the huge protests against, among other things, higher fuel taxes, which have shaken the country. Klimatomställningen may not leave people outside.”

“– We should not have a scheme in Sweden, where the people who live in rural areas, outside the major cities, feel that it is we who pay the price for it here. It is why, for instance, that we want to change reseavdraget and do it on distance.”

“Some of the more concrete proposals of the political agreement between the social democrats, the green Party, the Centre party and the Liberals, the so-called januariavtalet:”

“reducing taxes on labour.”

“the Abolition of war (the extra tax on incomes over about 58 000 in the month).”

“the Ceiling in the rut-deduction trefaldigas at the same time as the services were broadened.”

“the Extra taxation of the next generation of companies will be discontinued. 3:12-rules (tax rules for companies with less ownership interests) to be simplified.”

“Enhanced state support for short-term employment in major recessions.”

“Green tax shift of sek 15 billion, raising taxes is exchanged for lower taxes on work and enterprise.”

“the Strengthening of state subsidies to municipalities and county councils are continuing at a steady pace.”

“Etableringsjobb with a lower salary for the new arrivals.”

“the unemployment insurance is made if, with the payout based on income which is then scaled down and phased out in line with the duration of unemployment. The law on employment protection, las, made, with, among other things, extended the exception from turordningsreglerna at redundancies.”

“Free rents in new construction.”

“a reduction in taxes on pensions, and the height of the pension.”

“family week is introduced, the three additional days off for parents of children between 4 and 16 years.”