“Stödpengar a focus on development”

“the Swedish Film institute has made a decision about our support for filmkulturell activities for children and young people. Total allocated 1 408 000 sek up to 20 different projects around the country.”

“Close to half of the approved applicants have been awarded arts schools to set up film as a subject. Film also give priority to the development and this fall was granted to all applications for skolbiosatsningar, including in the municipalities of Sunne, sweden and Lerum, which thus commences its have school cinema.”

“the Purpose of the aid is to give children and young people the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the moving images, and to get quality film experiences at the cinema. Besides the already mentioned municipalities went stödpengar also to, among others, Lomma, Avesta, Malå, Storuman, Sundsvall, Timrå, sweden, Norrköping, sweden and the Uk.”