On Sunday night knew Andreas Treffenberg not even how many members of the Kalmar FF had. On Tuesday, he had amassed a sufficient number of them to get to an extra general meeting.

– It depends on how you see it, either I have got 130 people to sign a list, or we have caused great turbulence in an inexperienced association. This one sounds a little worse than the other. Though it is really the same thing, ” he says.

We seen in the office, where he rents a place of work for his event production company, at Östermalm in Stockholm. At the same location, pr-consultant and THEIR years Simon Beach, the person who was behind the other medlemsinitiativ that have moulded an inexperienced club in years, his business. They work at the same address, but do not know each other.

adds an access control card at the customer Spotify on a chair, he says, through his work for them have learned much about, for example, diversity, which could be used also in Kalmar FF.

He calls the still of Kalmar ”at home,” he says on the kalmaritiska, despite the fact that he moved 15 years ago. He is old player of Kalmar FF, and was the teammate of the person who has been the catalyst for the last few weeks medlemsuppror of the association, Henrik Rydström.

” we have, on the one hand, the coach Henrik Rydström, and on the other hand, the brand for Kalmar FF Henrik Rydström. It gets a little dubbelbottnat, ” says Andreas Treffenberg.

after having taken over the job as head coach in the middle of the season, and it is what he stands for, which seems to channel most of what happens around Kalmar FF. His legacy from his time as a player, his work as a coach for the sports academy and the A team, his personality, his political involvement.

And the fact that he is one of the last few years has seemed to be unwanted by the club.

– If it stems from the fact that he has spoken on the first of may or whatever it may be, ” god, if you cannot stand someone talking about solidarity, then maybe you should not be on the board. We’re talking about the fact that athletes should take more political responsibility, because they are role models in society. And I don’t know many who don’t like solidarity. It is well one of the cornerstones of Swedish society, which may have naggats in the edge part lately. I think that there should be space for it in a club, ” says Andreas Treffenberg.

coach Henrik Rydström had to leave Kalmar FF became a catalyst for the medlemsresning which led to the club now hold an extraordinary general meeting. Photo: Andreas L Eriksson/Bildbyrån

on the ”dithering” that he opposes is the reason for the Kalmar FF did not participate in the pridetåget in Kalmar. Klubbchefen Mattias Rosenlund said to the Barometer that ”we stand behind everyone’s equal value, but to manifest and take the points on it is not our thing”.

Henry stood very for was that he dared to take a seat and think things. For me it is a given that you go into a pridetåg.

for many years, Kalmar FF, a clear identity, as ”they where sad the peasants and the where gaphalsen Rydström and some brassar”, Treffenberg puts it.

Now, do not know people anymore what the Kalmar FF is, he says, and part of it is about the level of ambition. The year tenth in the allsvenskan with several of its own talent in the team, he had bought every year.

– It is Kalmar FF, not Malmö FF we’re talking about.

But the results was the argument for Rydström had to go.

it was to Treffenberg took out that you need signatures from ten percent of the members to an extra annual meeting.

– If someone had asked me before this how many members of the Kalmar FF has, so I probably had guessed, on four-, five thousand. And I thought, yes, four-, five hundred, it will probably be tough. Then I got in touch with the office and got the answer 1.328. And then it was suddenly down in more tangible numbers.

the Response came immediately.

– And it is from all possible sides and edges. It is from the neighbors to my parents to the people within the association. You notice that there is a great interest for the association in Kalmar.

already the president Johan Assarsson resigned, and also the director Richard Teern, which, among other things, been criticized for he who Icahandlare sponsoring other clubs.

meanwhile, Magnus Pehrsson has been hired as the new coach.

” I can imagine that Magnus Pehrsson think, ”what is the association I have come to? What is the Nils Dacke who is raging here, can we not just have a board?” But my hope is that he will have a better backup than what was there this year.

There is still no to the person who Treffenberg mean ”base their decision on the wrong things”, they want to get away from the board. But he hopes that Oleybet the extraordinary general meeting which will be arranged after the end of the year will be calm. It’s all about ”adjustments with the scalpel”.

” We need to get people who put Kalmar FF family a little higher up on the agenda than who will sit in the lodge.

the committee to ”avoid” suggestions.

“Even if we had it as a small plane, just drop the name when the question comes of who is proposed as new chairman, to see the reaction,” says Andreas Treffenberg and laughing.

in Addition, Kalmar FF and AIK also have members in superettanklubben Landskrona Bois come with a private proposal to the board of directors in the year. They argued that the association ”has become far too dependent financially by some persons in the board of directors”. Bois annual meeting in march was cancelled and moved because the room was too small for all who came.

In a time when sportsmen and sportswomen more and more about buying a service rather than to engage, hope Andreas Treffenberg that the compounds have a future.

– A compound is not only business and points. You have a role to play in society also which is very important. People are, of course, not in so many associations – it is often a sport activity.

down at Stureplan sits Simon the Beach with a cup of coffee and his computer between the two meetings. In the spring, he put forward an alternative proposal to the board for the AIK Football annual meeting.

Since 2013, so had the culture around AIK started to develop in a direction where it was okay to run campaigns and shaming the individual elected officials or employees. And then probably felt many the need for a motkampanj, where we have to draw certain limits to which we do not compromise on, on how to behave towards employees and elected officials, but also between members. You can’t have a nättrollskultur in the club, ” he says.

the Then chairman Per Bystedt had to leave and Eric Ljunggren came in.

– It is not a finished project, and I think it is important to remember now, both for us and for others. For the downside with democracy is that accountability can be tricky, people can go and vote but they don’t take responsibility for their own voters, ” says Simon Beach.

– This is where you also have to build up culturally, to the members, that with a sphere of influence that you can exercise at the annual meeting will also a great responsibility. As a member, you can escape that responsibility if you want to.

members of the last year to 924 at the spring annual meeting. All in Simon, the Strand alternative to the proposals of the nominating committee was voted in.

– I got a lot to happen because of the large involvement of very many people. It created a formidable force. Some evenings, I sat and replied to like 50, 70 e-mails.

half A year later, the A-team SM-gold, but it is on good grounds as the power struggle at the beginning of the season is not mentioned very often as a background to the league title, says Simon Beach.

– You hear a bit of it lashed around the AIK, depending on where you stood in the conflict that was in the spring so you can either be credited Per Bystedt, or Eric Ljunggren SM-gold. I buy none of the theories, the main ingredients in that we won was completely different, and I’m generally skeptical about people who try to snatch the credit. I think this is a bit sniket, ” he says.

the sporting purpose with his initiative. It is only in 1900 and 1901 that the AIK has managed to follow up a national CHAMPIONSHIP directly, he points out.

– If we are to be long-term success, so we can’t have rotten structures or a rotten culture, but then we have to professionalize the operations.

As Per Bystedt two days after the annual meeting, was elected as chairman of the board of AIK football limited companies, the situation is still complicated. Simon Beach believes that the new board have already come a good way towards a better working environment.

the commitment of the members still living, but within the association’s regular structures.

– If föreningsdemokratin to work in a good way, then it is clear that in a, normally, it is the nomination committee which takes forward a proposal that most members can buy. So that there will not any member and surprise people each year. It may do so if you want to, but I don’t think it is the optimal way to operate it on each year.

Rydström: ”I was like tjurfäktaren in the Bull Ferdinand: Stånga me”