Wallu Valpion plot as a result of Noora Räty got kicked out of tribal council. Hannes Hyvönen was left without allies Buwayan camp.Wallu Valpio tell Survivor-contest.

Last Sunday’s episode of Noora Räty was sent home. Women would have had immunity amulet, but he did not use it because she believed it to be of use later in the race.

the Game continues in a situation where Hannes Hyvösellä don’t have any allies heimossaan. Four

detachment räty allies Hannes Hyvönen were now left without an ally tribe for any other tribes Wallu Valpio , Miska Haakana , Wilma Bergenheim and Virpi Kätkä are in league with each other. Miska and Diva had convinced Nooralle and Hannekselle he was in league with them. It happened to me.

Well played, the allies lost Hannes praised the tribesmen of the tribal council.

the Camera man pui in worse shape than end up dead situation.

Not my point of view a good vote. For me the most important people, which I’m able to count, leave out of this. I don’t this four the trust at all, Hannes summed.

the Conspiracy was a complete success. A little personally hurt Hannesta. It was a stalemate situation and this should get. With it is but to live, He said to the camera.

Wallu Valpio believe he was Hanneksen and noora’s side, even though the play was all the time, Actions, Wilma and Virpi with nelikkona. Four

Wilma reflection camera, how strong physical players known as Hannes will continue to play. Can you think the man no longer even try to beat the opposing team championships or will this game be played without allies?

– Hannes needs muskeleitaan to get to the next round. Because if Hannes does not use muskeleitaan, he knocked the next tribal council. It’s worth Hanneksen began to wonder, does the left or use the right. Long it wants this game to be, it’s up to him, Wallu napautti.

Hannes permit programs to give everything to the integrity of the competition, so the tribe into tribal council.

to survive in Finland on Nelonen on Sunday at 20.