Showbizz in Mid-February crack ‘Temptation Island’ off and go four couples the merciless relatietest. Eight sexy verleidsters are ready to make the hormones of the men jumped to do save. Among them, the voluptuous Kimberly (22), which is actually in a very different role to the adventure wanted to start.
Resist the verleidingsmanoeuvres of the ladies: that’s the only command that the men on ‘Temptation Island’ to a good end. But given the caliber verleidsters that FIVE of them presents, it will not be an easy matter. In addition to the graceful Kimberly drawing with Tisha (23), Lizzy (21) and Emma (21), three Flemish verleidsters present. From the Dutch side to Naomi (19), Armanda (22), Ayleen (18) and Demi (23) the temperature on the island to unprecedented height weirs. That they are, is beyond dispute. “We’re going to do everything to make the men fall into the trap to lure”, what it sounds like. “I kick in inaccessible types”, says Demi. And if we are in Bruges, Emma may believe, is no man to trust. That promises…
For one of the verleidsters had her participation there total different. Kimberly wrote initially in… as part of a couple. “My meanwhile, ex-boyfriend and I wanted a long time to join,” says the sales assistant in Day All, who dreams to become as a personal trainer to get started. “We were not only fans of the program, it seemed to us to be good to our relationship to the test.”
But take part in as a couple was not in.
How it cometh, I know not, but after we had registered, it went steeply downhill with our relationship. When they opbelden to the questionnaire to go through, I doubted so hard that it to me seemed better to not to join. If you are already in a shaky relationship, you need to not get started. The chance was great that we ridiculously would make, and I had no desire in.
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