Djurhjälten+ FÖLJPRESENTERAS AVKalven Sigge thinks he is a horse: ”Is afraid of the cows”SWEDISH HEROES

Calf Sigge was bortstött of her mother rather than adopted, he shetlandsponnyn Nore. Since march, the two kept pace with each other, by night and by day, writes Corren.

– He does not know that he is a cow, ” says Elin Andersson, 23, to Aftonbladet.

In march born calf, Sigge, who is a cross between Highland cattle and Belted cow. His mother, however, wanted to not have him, and thrust, therefore, remove him. Instead, the 23-year-old shetlandsponnyn Nore take Alan under his wing. Now live the two together in Vrånghult in Åtvidaberg where the Andersson family, among other things, runs the riding school, something even Corren written about.

– They have lived together since march, both day and night, ” says Elin Andersson, who had Nore in christening present when he was a foal.

They have tried to reunite Alan with the cows that are on a different place, but in vain.

– Alan is afraid of the cows. He was very much beaten by his mother the first time, directly when he was born. She didn’t want to have him. So he is afraid of them and dare not go near them. He could go in the pasture with them when Nore was with but they went in a completely different place than the cows, on the other end of the paddock.

1 of 10 | Photo: PrivatKalven He hangs out with two ponies and a bigger horse in the pasture.

So, they have allowed Alan to stay, something not Nore have anything against.

– I don’t think Nore would cope well without Sigge either, they have become accustomed to each other. He has been at his side since day one.

When He had Nore who raised him, he has taken after hästbeteenden, as the itch that horses do.

– Alan think he is a horse, he does not know that he is a cow.

the Future is a little uncertain for Sigge.

– So long as it is possible to have left him, so he gets to be left, we shall castrate him, But he’s growing and we can’t have a tamtjur perhaps, it would be best if he could go out with the cows sometime. We keep on and make more attempts where after. We’ll see.

Anders Bagge: this is a hero for me 00:34

languages was started by Aftonbladet in 2007.

Each year we write about hundreds of everyday heroes who demonstrated bravery, courage and humanity.

Of these appoints our jury seven heroes who is praised at the Swedish Heroes gala in december at Aftonbladet.see and TV3.

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MALIN WIGENARTIKELN IS OMDjurhjälten+ FÖLJHästar+ FÖLJKor+ FÖLJÅtvidaberg+ FÖLJLÄS OCKSÅ13 september the SWEDISH HJÄLTARPonnyn Storm rescued the 9-year-old Stina from depressionen29 October the SWEDISH HJÄLTARDammen was threatened, the fish were able to stay with the family Englund4 november ÖSTERGÖTLANDKalven He think he is häst18 October the SWEDISH HJÄLTARSynskadade Lisa longed for six years – see the joy when she finally gets her ledarhund18 november SWEDISH HJÄLTARHoa-Hoa saved the Day-berra’s and Signe’s night out