The Bobigny commercial court (Seine-Saint-Denis) will hand down its decision on Wednesday on the request for placement in receivership of the women’s ready-to-wear brand Naf Naf, which employs 660 employees, a-t- we learned Tuesday from concordant sources. A spokesperson explained that the brand had been unable to cope with “rent payment arrears” accumulated during the Covid.

Angélique Idali, secretary of the CSE and CFDT union delegate within the ready-to-wear brand, indicated after the hearing which was held in Bobigny on Tuesday and which she attended that the court planned to make its decision on Wednesday. A source close to the management of Naf Naf confirmed the information to AFP. With AFP on Wednesday, Angélique Idali explained that she had told the audience of the “anxieties and uncertainties” of the employees of the sign, evoking a “situation not obvious” and fearing a “social breakage”.

The French brand launched in 1973 by two brothers employs 660 people in France, owns 131 stores and has a 2022 turnover of 141 million euros, “in growth”, indicated at the end of August a spokesperson for the brand. the AFP. It had already been placed in receivership in May 2020 and taken over by the Franco-Turkish group SY, which is still its shareholder, and which had already acquired the Sinéquanone brand in 2019.

The company had begun to restructure and cut 27 positions in June 2023 as part of a PSE, the spokesperson told AFP in late August. Camaïeu, Kookaï, Burton of London, Gap France, André, San Marina, Kaporal, Don’t Call Me Jennyfer, Du Pareil au Même and Sergent Major… These brands well known to French consumers suffered from an explosive cocktail: pandemic, inflation, rising costs of energy, raw materials, rents and wages and competition for second-hand goods. It was fatal for certain brands, which were liquidated, such as Camaïeu in September 2022, whose dismissal of 2,100 employees made a strong impression.