“The Swedish Heroes in the world”

“the Dream of christmas – a warm shower,”

“So you can help the children on the run”

“In a rundown house with no real windows, live, mother, Nihad, father Helal and three children. The youngest is Fatima, 3.”

“Now comes the winter with cold and snow again. It will be the family’s fifth winter on the run.”

” the Children are freezing every time we try to wash them. We can only dream of being able to take a hot shower, ” says Nihad.”

“With the help of Sweden for UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, Aftonbladet contact with trebarnsfamiljen in Jordan. “

“the Family living in Mafraq in the northern part of the country, not far from the border to their homeland Syria. In southern Syria, in the city of Dar’a, is their home. When the war forced them on the run lived 100 000 in the city, how many are still living in the day is nobody really knows.”

“Living in a dilapidated house.”

“this will be trebarnsfamiljens fifth winter on the run. Like thousands of other refugees they have been forced to settle in abandoned or dilapidated houses in the north of Jordan.”

“Here for the winter storms with rain and snow, and the temperature often falls to below zero. For the people who live here is the dream of a warm home closest to the unattainable.”

“– We just have a piece of plastic to cover the holes where windows should be. When it is windy so they in the wind. I frukar for my children who must live under these conditions, ” says the mother Nihad.”

“the House the family lives in is not at all equipped for the winter.”

“– We have no windows in the kitchen or the bathroom. When I shower the kids shake the cold. It is not easy to keep the house warm, ” says Nihad. “

“For the family’s youngest daughter, 3-year-old Fatima, is the life on the run all she knows. But her parents still live in the hope of getting a better life.”

“I just want to have a secure future for my children, so that they do not need to go through what we have done,” says Nihad.”

“the Disappointment over the war in Syria never seems to end weighing down the family. Mother Nihad and dad Helal has been difficult to talk about what their hopes for the future, everyday problems penetrating and it is more acute.”

“the Cold makes the children sick.”

“Now, when the cold enters the house through the plastic, the children become sick. Maxing it is for Fatima’s storsyster Milyar. Basic medical care is not available where the family now lives.”

“– Milyar suffer from asthma and the cold makes her condition worse. We are dependent on help with cash from the UNHCR, in order to be able to keep her rooms warm. At home in Syria it was never like this, ” says Nihad. “

“Concerned look, she and her husband Helal how vintervinden rips in the simple plastic in the house. “

“– All I want right now is that the children will receive a warm house, a warm shower and some good food.”

“Now collects Swedish Heroes money for the benefit of ”Sweden for UNHCR”, in order to save lives when iskylan pulls out of refugee camps. Swisha elective total 123 365 78 48, visit gåvoshopen or become a monthly donor here.”

“It is enough money to -”

“READ MORE: Sweden for UNHCR”