the Rapper Nikoline and minister of culture, Joy Mogensen is shorn unclear in relation to whether it is within art and the frames that Nikoline has purchased the web domain and currently using it as a platform to fire a controversial and cross-border music video with explicit sexual content.

Joy Mogensen says to Ekstra Bladet, she certainly does not believe it is within the dial, when her name is being used for this purpose.

See also: Now, Joy Mogensen stop Nikolines domain-abuse

– Artistic freedom and freedom of expression are fundamental values. And you must make all of the provocations, you will. But you should not do it in the name. It is a question of principle here, namely that all people have the right to determine how their own name is used on the network, said Joy Mogensen.

Much to suggest that Joy Mogensen and The lawyer has hold of the long end, when they require, to Nikoline stop to use the joy

– the Domain name is first taken into use in connection with the video, and the artist has no connection with the name Joy Mogensen. It is therefore my assessment is that the Joy Mogensen may require, to the joy domain name must not be used, as it does now, evaluate Sten Schaumburg-Müller, professor at the Department of law at the University of Southern denmark.

According to him account decisions in previous cases of a similar character good for the Joy Mogensen.

– Domænenavnsloven section 25 determines, to ‘Registrants must not register and use the domain names in violation of the good domænenavnsskik’, and klagenævet have in several cases used the provision, where more or less famous persons name was used by others, for example, in a case of Steffen Brandt, says Stone Schaumburg-Müller and adds:

– In the cases of the use of the names, I have seen, the respondent did not bothered to reply, which of course makes it easier for complaints to win. But I estimate, that the use is contrary to good domænenavnsskik.

Joy Mogensen and the Social democrats will go to the complaints Board for Domain names, if not the Nikoline stop to use the domain Photo: Henning Bagger/Ritzau Scanpix

at the time Of writing is Nikoline not stopped to use the Joy Mogensen-domain.

According to the requirement from The lawyer will be filed a complaint to the complaints Board for domain names, if not the Nikoline has complied with their requirements before the end of next week.

Below is the letter from Joy mogensen’s attorney for Nikoline.