“The family travels around the world with their six children”

“Six life jackets, eight backpacks and three continents.nJoel and Lisa Holmqvist, from Stockholm, sweden to travel around the globe with their six children. n– some think that we are crazy, but we’re doing this to get more time with the kids and take us out of the rat race, ” says Joel Holmqvist. “

“Happy voices fills the kitchen when Aftonbladet visting family Holmqvist. The cosy femrummaren in Stockholm is sold and soon, the six children and the two parents leave their safe point in Sweden. “

“Joel and Lisa have children Minoo 12, Sam, 8, Perla, 7, Penny, 5, Beata, 3 and Colette 2 years. Together, they make their life’s journey. In a year’s time, they should visit the more than seven countries and find a new way to live – far away from the nine-to-five-jobbandet and everyday life in Stockholm. “

“– of Course it is nervous to do away with the apartment and the security when we have six children. But the profits will be so much larger. We tried to stay three months in Thailand a while ago and it was amazing, ” says Lisa Holmqvist. “

“to Avoid stress and large loans”

“When they came home from the trip said both Lisa and Joel ”no more rat race” to each other. “

“– But it took a week and so we were back in everyday life. You will be järntvättad about how life should be through advertising and tv and friends, ” says Lisa. “

“The big win of the trip is to get rid of all the stress that come with big mortgages, expensive costs, and other requirements of the Stockholm city centre. They had been thinking for long to do away with the apartment and the move from the town. When they got married in August 2018 and travelled away on honeymoon and they took the decision to realize the dream of a freer life. On January 13, next year get the on the plane to the south. “

“– the Goal of the journey is to be more with the kids. Our society is built so that you’ll be working one hundred percent to get the economy to go up and take care of children, clean, wash dishes and wash. It doesn’t matter if one has six or two children, you stand still, out of breath, to nursery school when you should get the small, ” says Joel. “

“the Trip will start in Abu Dhabi and then continue on to Malaysia where they plan to stay for a week. They fly to Borneo and do maybe a Asienstopp before they move on to Tokyo. Then they put the course towards Los Angeles and proceed to Costa Rica or Belize. “

” If we have money left we go back to the united states. We travel a bit further north, and then we end with Florida and the Disneyland resort, says Joel, but adds that the route is not carved in stone, it can change during the course of the journey. “

“There are many wills that must coexist on a long trip. Joel and Lisa have decided that if someone wants to cancel the trip prematurely for any reason, so they should all give it a week to really feel for. If the person still wants to go home then so cancels the trip. “

“When they come home to Sweden again, the plan is that the family rent an apartment in or near Stockholm, so that all the children can land properly and go back to friends and school. “

“– So long as the children feel secure with what we are doing so dissolves the rest, ” says Lisa. “

“They’ve got fine support from both of the schools where the children go. When you take a child abroad for a longer period of time then ceases attendance is compulsory. But Minoo will still have contact with their school at a distance. The school will send the materials and information to her computer and hopefully she gets to come back to his class for a year. The other children hemskolas during the trip and both Joel and Lisa are well-prepared to help the oldest with the teaching. “

“Joel has taken a leave of absence from the job and will also be able to study during the entire trip. “

“the Reactions from the environment has been mixed.”

“– They say we are brave but have two big questions – what do you do when you come home and how are you doing with the schooling, ” says Joel. “

“some have reacted strongly to the use the profit from the lägenhetsförsäljningen to travel. “

“– They do not think it is really wise. But people put large sums of money on a boat that may only used a couple of weeks of the year. Or a large car where the man loses 120 000 just starting is the key, ” says Joel. “

“– Some people believe that we should have bought a even bigger apartment and have taken on ever larger loans. However, this is precisely the situation we want to avoid, fills Lisa in. “

“She has had to defend the family’s decision many times. Some think that they are mad as to take their six children on such a long journey. “

“– Improves the materialistic things in life? Or is it how you are as a human being and how to develop the most important? We will hopefully be better people when we’ve got to go through all the challenges and experiences on the trip, ” says Lisa. “

“Safety is central.”

“safety and security is important for both parents. “

“– We always choose the safe areas and places. Family’s safety always goes before the price and location, ” says Joel. “

“the Insurance cover for all children on the 38 000 sek. After 45 days, you must have a special travel insurance that will cover any costs if someone is affected by illness or accident. “

“It has been a great project to plan the trip and it has taken about four months to get all practical on the spot and on paper. Joel tells us that they have been driven both and when any of them kroknat so has the other a success. “

“More than half a million”

“the Family budget is 700 000 sek for a year on the road. It may sound much, but for eight people, pulling it quickly away with the airline tickets and accommodation. “

“And it’s not just the economy that can be tough to manage. Diseases, weather, and cancelled flights can cause. “

“– You can do always more than what you think. And when you think you should die when you get some more anyway, ” says Lisa with a laugh. “

“Follow the family on their exciting journey on the Justdoitfamily on Instagram. “

“the Family Holmqvist tips for traveling with children”