The former SVP Federal councillors, Guy Parmelin, and Ueli Maurer want – supported by the foreign Minister, Ignazio Cassis (FDP) – all of the key departments in the hands of the FDP and the SVP and the CVP Federal councillor Viola Amherd to the defense Department (VBS) banish. Because on Friday but it was not clear whether the newly elected FDP councillor Jokerbet Karin Keller-join Sutter the Powerplay, has been postponed until the decision.

The power play rolling, VBS-in-chief, Guy Parmelin. He is of his Department grow tired of because it brings with expenses scandals, Munitions, and aircraft procurement is currently mainly problems. Days ago he has informed his Federal Council colleagues that he was going to claim one of the vacant departments. On Friday Parmelin made his announcement come true. He wished the Department of Economic Affairs, or because the FDP wants to keep this in their ranks, the important environment, transport, energy and communications Federal Department (Detec).

In the meeting, it was supported by Parmelin, according to several independent sources from his party colleagues are masons, but also by the FDP-man Ignazio Cassis. It quickly became clear that it was only a matter of enabling the in VBS is not always happy, active Parmelin a change. You want to strengthen the block of four from the FDP, and SVP. In the maximum variant Parmelin is to take the Detec and Karin Keller-Sutter of the economy. And because the Department of foreign Affairs, with the Cassis and the Department of Finance with Maurer in FDP and SVP-Hand, would occupy the two parties are now equal to four key departments. There you could control the whole of Europe, economic and infrastructure policy. The Left Berset would be the important social Department of the Alain, the SP would have to settle for the mark but still with the due to the migration dossier, the difficult Department of justice Simonetta Sommaruga. Viola Amherd would be deported to the VBS. Your CVP would be marginalized.

Keller-Sutter would be incorporated in the citizens ‘block

side effect: Karin Keller-Sutter, had stressed throughout the election campaign, again and again, you’ll be in the Federal Council no Block, but a compromise, a politician, would be integrated in such a maneuver from the first day firmly in the citizens’ block. The left’s desire for a softening of the FDP-SVP-Front, the bolt would be pushed. It was decided on Friday because it was in the Federal Council, but a lot of skepticism against the desires of Parmelin. In particular, the Department of Economic Affairs, but also the Detec many consider to be a Shoe too big for the Canton of Vaud. Parmelin has at least acts to the beginning of its VBS time frantic and often ill-considered. Also other variants of a castling were discussed. About whether or not you could satisfy the exchange requests Parmelins with the Department of justice, which is opposed to the SVP but apparently.

At the end of a large pressure on Karin Keller is now-Sutter: it Comes to a vote, and resists the Urge Parmelins and his comrades-in-arms from the SVP and the FDP, would change the balance of power in the Bundesrat is hardly, or even a little to the left to move: Either could secure Amherd the CVP, the Department or, at least, Sommaruga, the difficult, but nevertheless not unimportant Department of justice take over, if they want to switch to the Detec. Keller-Sutter, for its part, would, conversely, keep their FDP, the Department of Economic Affairs. You, yourself, would have confirmed the position as an independent councillor for the first Time. She stands to the side of Parmelin, Maurer and Cassis, helps you FDP and SVP to more influence, disqualified, but in the eyes of the Left and the middle as a civil power, a politician. “A first litmus test for the Keller-Sutter,” describes a Federal-house-Insider-the basis for the decision, the Federal Council wants to cases, at the beginning of the week. (Sunday newspaper)

Created: 08.12.2018, 23:19 PM