The Artex company announced Thursday that the listing of a triptych by the British artist Francis Bacon, the first work listed on its art stock exchange, would begin on Friday. Artex, a company co-founded by Prince Wenceslas of Liechtenstein, obtained an operating license in Liechtenstein in January 2023 to operate as an art stock exchange within a regulatory framework.

Its financial model consists of listing companies under Luxembourg law on the stock market, each of which owns a work of art. The shares of these companies are listed and therefore tradable on Artex, with the aim of democratizing investment in art. The triptych “Three studies for a portrait of George Dyer” will thus be listed via the company Art Share 002 S.A., whose share price has been set at 92.20 euros, which values ​​it at an amount of 50.7 million euros ($55 million), according to a press release from Artex.

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Negotiations on this title will begin on Friday March 8 at 12:50 p.m. “This is the first work by a great master ever listed on the stock exchange, and we look forward to presenting the other masterpieces that we have selected,” rejoices Yassir Benjelloun-Touimi, co-founder and general manager of Artex Stock Exchange, cited in the press release. He hopes that this first listing opens “the way for the development of a new asset class”.

Bacon’s work, the first triptych in a series of five, painted in 1963, represents three views of the face of his greatest muse, George Dyer, a few months after their meeting. These three paintings in an “intimate” format (35.5 cm x 30.5 cm) show “changing faces rendered in a semi-abstract blur”, thanks to “dynamic brushstrokes”, explains Artex.