Having largely disappeared from the radar in recent weeks, the full employment law nonetheless continues its legislative journey. After having passed the Senate stage at the beginning of the summer, here it is arriving at the National Assembly this Monday. It is the Social Affairs Committee which will, firstly, analyze the 11 articles of the text and the 1290 amendments tabled, before a vote in the Hemicycle.

Among the main reforms included in this bill is the creation of France Travail, the new state operator to support job seekers. It must replace Pôle emploi on January 1, 2024. More than a simple change of name, this new entity will oversee all the players. The objective is to allow better coordination while the executive regularly points out the tendency of each entity to work “in silos”. The control of each territorial level over part of the return to employment policy only reinforces this confusion, according to the government.

Thus, if Pôle emploi must be accountable to the State, the regions have control over training, the departments over the payment of social assistance and the municipalities over local missions. Bringing everything together under the responsibility of a single actor is a guarantee of efficiency, according to the executive, where local authorities fear a loss of power.

Also read: Why the “Full Employment” law will cause the unemployment rate to soar

The most controversial subject nevertheless remains the desire of the public authorities to require a commitment from RSA recipients in return for the social assistance paid to them. The figure of 15 to 20 hours of activity per week was once mentioned. The idea, which is not new, has created a real outcry on the left. Aware of the flammable aspect of the subject, the executive has repeatedly stressed that it is in no way “forced labor”.

Indeed, this time can just as easily cover training, CV writing or any other activity that should allow an active return to employment. Despite everything, the government preferred not to explain the obligation of working hours in the final text. Instead, everyone will have to sign an employment contract which details their duties. To facilitate compliance, a new level of sanctions will be introduced. In addition to deregistration, a temporary and retroactive suppression of payments must be created.

Likewise, it is noted that all RSA candidates will henceforth be registered as job seekers. This is currently only the case for a minority of them. The aim is to allow those who can to be quickly supported by Pôle emploi. The others will be referred to appropriate social services. The announced objective is to allow each RSA recipient to receive personal and regular support.