Better exploit the French subsoil to extract heat, ores and metals. The government wants to start again to conquer geological resources. To do this, Bruno Le Maire and Roland Lescure announced simplification measures on Friday which will accelerate mining procedures, particularly in the case of important projects for the energy transition and security of supply. These measures concern geothermal energy, which makes it possible to capture heat or cold to bring it into buildings. 90% of the national territory could accommodate deep or surface geothermal exploitation. The objective is to triple existing capacities by 2030.

Furthermore, the need for ores and metals, particularly copper and lithium, is growing exponentially, driven by the electrification of the energy mix. The simplification of mining procedures aims to halve the processing times for an exclusive research permit (PER). While it takes six to seven months to obtain a PER in Germany, more than two years are necessary in France. This measure should “allow France to remain attractive,” according to Bercy. It “will have no negative impact on taking into account the environmental impacts of future exploitation,” promises the government.

Finally, the reconversion of hydrocarbon wells for CO₂ storage should also be facilitated. CO₂ storage is touted as a “decarbonization solution of last resort.”