“The heat allowed the ticks to escape”
“It is not all who enjoy försommarvärmen.nFästingarna flee under the earth.n– It’s bad fästingväder, ” says Didrik Vanhoenacker, a biologist at the Natural history museum.”
“The high temperatures have engulfed the major parts of the country and keeps in itself.”
“To most people’s happiness – but to that of the ticks chagrin.”
“– They have it is probably a little testy, ” says Didrik Vanhoenacker, a biologist at the Natural history museum.”
“They are waiting””
“Generally want the ticks to have it humid. Not the blazing sun and dry, as the outlook is now.”
“– Then dries them on. First, they will have a long winter where they can’t sit on the long blade of grass and when it comes spring and they are finally going to get food then it will be dry instead and they do not dare to up. This is not a perfect weather for a tick, ” says Vanhoenacker.”
“Aargh not completely out. Where under the surface of the earth is in peace and quiet, and waiting for better times.”
“– They take shelter in the soil layer, which in the winter where the climate is humid. When this is dry it is tough as a tick to crawl up on a blade of grass. The creeps are not catching up to an animal without sitting and waiting for an animal. Then put the stuck like a velcro.”
“Ticks have a slow life cycle and can go a year without food. They eat normally, only a maximum of one time per year and live for three years. So they have time to wait.”
“– Up there in northern sweden where the season is shorter, it will sometimes no animal and they get to sit and wait two years for food and it can go good. Finally, starving the to death or dry out.”
“, ”Look at the butterflies instead””
“Are you scantily clad in the woods, you can get a tick in all the cases, but the risk is in all cases a little less. “
“the Biologist do think, however, that it is now generally relax in nature.”
“– Check the other cool insects in nature. You need to not only be funky for ticks. Check on all the other insects that fits in when it’s this hot. Butterflies do not, for example, to fly when it’s raining. You now have the great chance to see many fine butterflies, apart from the usual butterflies that nässelfjäril and citronfjäril it has come second wave of butterflies.”
“– Now, in may, the butterflies that spent the winter in the pupae; rapsfjäril, grönsnabbfjäril and veined. Look for such. Then it is clear that you should check for ticks in the shower. “