“The world’s happiest population in Finland, according to a new united nations report. Also the remaining nordic countries are in the top when it comes to happiness.”

“the Keys to the high lyckotal in a country is security, equality, democracy, and stability, among other things.”

“But what does it mean to be happy?”

“According to Bengt Brülde, professor of practical philosophy, the concept of happiness four different meanings. Happiness can be described as the euphoria, and it can be described as peace of mind. Religious and spiritual people can, for example, often talk about the happiness that peace of mind.”

“– The third meaning is a high level of well-being, you feel very good simply. The fourth is to feel life satisfaction, so when you are happy, then there is something of the four ways. But when you’re talking lyckoforskning is it always the last two you are thinking of.”

“In a new united nations report ranked a total of 156 countries in how happy countries’ populations feel themselves to be. At the top are all of the nordic countries, but also the Netherlands, Switzerland, New Zealand, Canada and Austria.”

“– There you can see overall is that the rich countries in relatively secure societies, in relatively peaceful societies, equal, ickekorrupta, democratic and stable societies, all these factors contribute to the residents of a country claim to be quite happy, ” says Bengt Brülde.”

“Relationships, and work affects”

“Sweden ends up in a seventh place in this year’s ranking. We are a comparatively happy people, according to the survey.”

“According to Bengt Brülde has lyckoforskningen two parallel tracks. In one track, there is that in the current report on countries. Where do you measure the genomsnittslyckan in the different countries and ranks them accordingly, in order then to investigate what these countries ‘ differences are due to, by referring to, for example, how well social institutions work and how rich the country is. The second track is all about studying happiness at the individual level, when you try to explain the differences between individuals rather than between countries.”

“When to explain the differences in happiness within a rich country such as Sweden, play the external living conditions such as income, status and accommodation less of a role because the vast majority have their basic needs met, according to Brülde. Instead, our relationships, our work, our leisure time and the psychology is all the more important.”

“– People who have a job are happier than people who do not have work, people who are active in their leisure time, physical or social, are happier. You can see that the people who work on a voluntary basis or as volunteers, are a little bit happier.”

“Alone less happy”

“People who live in a love relationship is also generally happier than those who do not. Even those who have a strong social network often feel happier.”

“– Those who feel lonely are less happy.”

“The third area that affects how happy we feel is the psychology. There are several factors and personality traits that come into play in whether we feel happy or not, and they often weigh heavily, according to Bengt Brülde. The who, for example, are outgoing, have good self-esteem and a positive view on things is often much happier than the one who lacks the personlighetsdragen.”

“TT: What should you think about if you want to be happier, regardless of personality traits?”

“– When it comes to personality importance, I think the best is to learn what kind of personality you have and try to live in accordance with it and not cut across. If I’m an introvert person, then maybe I am charging the batteries when I am lying on the couch and reading a book, while extraverted people charging their batteries at a cocktail party.”

“TT: How important is it to be happy?”

“– It is very important in a society where it’s very centrally located. The most important thing for an individual is to be happy and live as long as possible. But I think that you should think about the happiness of others also and not just on his own.”

“a Total of 156 countries ranked in the report, which is published for the seventh time. The survey has been made during the period 2016 to 2018.”

“In first place, Finland. Damark and Norway follows in second and third. Sweden, in seventh place and advancing from last year’s ninth place.”

“at Least the lucky ones are those who live in south Sudan, the country ends up on the 156th place. Central african republic ports on the 155-th place, and Afghanistan on the 154 th place in the survey.”

“The report has measured the happiness gained through surveys, where a country’s inhabitants been consulted about their perceived happiness. Man has then tried to explain the results and variations due to factors such as countries ‘ GDP, social safety net, the expected healthy life expectancy, freedom, generosity, and the absence of corruption.”

“Source: the World Happiness Report”

“1. Nurture your relationships and do things for others.”

“2. Was socially and physically active.”

“3. Try to be grateful.”