The most important vaccinations for your trip

In the winter, there are many who plan to travel abroad. But watch out for the disease – now is the best time to review your vaccinations. Maybe you need to protect yourself a little bit extra when you set off on a long journey.

We swedes travel more often and longer. The risk of getting a serious illness is not so big, but suffer it can have serious consequences. And it is easy to get a bit of a tourist stomach with fever, cramps and diarrhea. To get sick and seek medical attention abroad scares most of us. The best thing you can do to avoid becoming ill is to plan their packing and medications. Some countries do not have vaccination programmes, in the same way as we have at home in Sweden and the risk of contamination is therefore greater.

– It is important to check the vaccinations recommended for the country you want to go. In this way, you run the risk of not being infected by something that is really easy to avoid. Yellow fever, diphtheria, and hepatitis A and B is quite common in some countries and it is possible to get a relatively secure protection, ” says the doctor Elisabeth Vock.

be extra careful with vaccinations if you are travelling to Africa and south America and some asian countries. But even if you plan to be away for long and maybe live in simple conditions, or visit the jungle or the countryside.

But you don’t really need to travel far to be exposed to the risk. It can be good to look over your protection against childhood illnesses such as measles and whooping cough before visiting certain countries. During the year there have been outbreaks of measles in France, Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain, the Czech republic and Germany. These countries have reported mässlingutbrott to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, ECDC.

It is good to be out in good time if you need to be vaccinated, preferably one month before the trip. Sometimes you need several doses a number of weeks in between. The data below comes from the 1177 Vårdguiden.

Epidemic encephalitis

Japanese encephalitis