The misfortune of one person makes the happiness of others. After Habitat, Toujust, San Marina and Camaïeu, the king of clearance Noz is preparing to put the stocks of the Minelli brand up for sale. From May 21, clearance customers will be able to find “thousands of pairs” of shoes from the famous brand, and on strong promotion.

Placed in receivership in September 2023, the latter was finally saved from liquidation in January 2023, by being sold to a buyer, but at the cost of numerous store closures and hundreds of jobs lost. “If the buyer kept the stock of the brand’s 120 stores, the legal representative put up for sale the stock of the brand’s warehouse, located in Aix-en-Provence (13),” explained Noz at the end of March, after winning 191,000 Minelli items (170,000 pairs of women’s and men’s shoes and 21,000 accessories) following a call for tenders organized by the agent in charge of recovering the brand’s debts.

The first arrival in Noz’s 321 stores is therefore scheduled for May 21 to 24 depending on the points of sale. This will be the spring-summer range of the tricolor shoemaker, composed of pumps, sandals, mules, ballerinas for women, but also city shoes for men. “Items from recent collections (mainly 2022-2023)”, specifies Noz, which will be offered at prices reduced by 60% compared to their original prices. For the shoemaker’s fall-winter collection (boots, ankle boots, derbies, moccasins, etc.), the items will be available in Noz stores “at the start of the school year”.