“The right to housing in the focus in Malmö”

“Malmö will be the first in Sweden to accede to The Shift – an association for cities that wish to see housing as a social right.”

“– We must hold governments and cities are responsible, ” says the promoter Leilani Farha.”

“As the UN special rapporteur on housing travel Concerns around the globe and examines bostadssituationer.”

“– I see the same problems almost about everything: the Price for live goes straight upwards, while the income is still. You have a vertical line and a horizontal. The gap between them is the crisis which we call the global housing crisis, she says to TT during his antisemitism in Malmö.”

“Here, she’ll visit some of the vulnerable areas – Södra Sofielund, Rosengård and Lindängen and she likes it she gets told about all the projects that are ongoing.”

“– the City is already on the right track, ” she says.”

“so Far, 35 cities have joined The Shift, among them Barcelona, Berlin, Amsterdam, Seoul, New York and Montreal. In these cities should human rights be a guiding principle in housing. What that means can vary from town to town because the conditions are so different, says Leilani Farha. But the bottom line is to not consider the dwelling like any other commodity.”

“She looks a big danger in global capital investors increasingly are those who own homes in the cities.”

“– When you use the housing only to allow the capital to grow and generate wealth, then you want something completely different than human rights. We need to find some kind of middle ground, because as it is now motas people away.”

“these Concerns do not think that it can be seen as a natural development of capitalism, but believes that politicians have a responsibility.”

“– The laws that do that this is allowed to happen. They create this, so they can also counter it, ” she says.”

“Malmö’s kommunstyrelseordförande Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh (S) see the entry in The Shift as a natural continuation of the policies of the city.”

“– I see it as an initiative in which we have a very clear focus in everything we do in the city to build a more mixed city, to build a city that is accessible to more people, ” she says.”

“In Malmö counts approximately 2,000 adults and 1,300 children who are homeless, that is to say that they only have short-term housing solutions, or no housing at all. It then goes to talk about Malmö, see housing as a social right?”

“– you can’t do it on your own hand so goes the city check with the commitments which are shorter and worse than a home of their own and that is what we want. We want more people to be able to request a regular housing in the mainstream housing sector, ” says Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh.”

“The canadian lawyer Leilani Farha is ago 2014 the UN special rapporteur on housing.”

“She has created The organization The Shift to affect the cities of the UN member states to see housing as a human right – not a commodity.”

“She is also the protagonist in the Swedish documentary filmmaker Fredrik Gerttens film”