The first real episode of The Simpsons aired on December 17, 1989, with the title A Christmas dog. In a short time the series gained such a reputation by appearing in the 30 shows most watched of 1989-90. As expected, for the topics discussed, beyond the success, the series was and is still the object of harsh criticism because of the personality of Homer Simpson – a husband’s alcoholic and irresponsible that, according to psychologists, this was a bad example for young people – and of the son, the rebel, Bart , which gives a few thoughts to the mother, the Marge and also the ‘nerd’ Lisa , who looks after the small Maggie . The then president of the United States George Bush senior said during a public intervention: “We are trying to strengthen the american family, in order to make her look more like the Waltons and less like the Simpsons”.

The Simpsons, those characters that have made the history of Springfield
The series was born from a desire to address all the key issues of modern society. The city of Springfield in which the stories are set is a microcosm: the nuclear power plant where he works Homer is used to make a satire on environmental issues; the school Bart and Lisa aimed to criticize the us school system; the local police, with the commissioner Winchester, it serves to highlight the limits of the judicial system. the Matt Selman , the main writer of The Simpsons, said in an interview that: “The idea was to Matt Groening . He wanted that once turned on the televisions of the public thought that the color yellow was related to a technical issue. You would be asked ‘oh, why are you yellow?’ and she tried to tune in the channel without success, because they were really yellow. It was an attempt innovative to mislead the viewers; it is something that we do often in the world of the show”.