The summer solstice – everything you need to know

Is midsummer, the longest day? And falls on the summer solstice the same day every year? Here is everything you need to know about the summer solstice.

the summer solstice occurs during the longest day, the day the sun is highest in the sky. During this day, it never becomes really dark somewhere in Sweden without dusk turns to dawn as the sun has fallen just below the horizon. In the northern parts of the country, the sun is not down at all. \nMen midsummer is the swelling the longest day, or? No, really, it is not always so. Then midsummer’s eve is always a Friday, and midsummer’s day is always a Saturday, it is only sometimes that the summer solstice coincides with the midsummer. And the summer solstice is not really a day without a time, the time when the earth is most advantageous towards the sun.

the Reason that the summer solstice is the longest day is the earth’s tilt. The summer solstice is the time when the earth’s axis is tilted most toward the sun. Winter solstice is known as the time when the earth’s axis is tilted most away from the sun. When it is summer solstice in the northern parts of the earth, it is winter solstice in the south, and vice versa.

in 2018 falls on the summer solstice 21 June, as it has done every year since 1988. But 2020 will change, then it is lightest, 20 June. Thus, there is no exact date of the summer solstice. The reason it varies is that a calendar year is 365 days-and an astronomical year is longer: 365,24 days. This means that the summer solstice is shifted by about 6 hours. 2017 was the summer solstice at 06.24 and 2018, whichever is there at 12.07. That an astronomical year is longer than a calendar year is also the reason why we have a leap year when an extra day added to it, and the next time it takes place is 2020.

the Day after the summer solstice, it just becomes darker until the winter solstice in december. But it takes a few weeks before you can notice any difference, for today’s length is changing very little during the weeks around the solstices.

In Sweden, is celebrated not summer solstice, but the focus is for most of the midsummer. But the solstice is celebrated in other places in the world, including in the Uk where people travel to Stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice.