Only in Lombardy two weeks of the closure of cinemas and theatres have caused about 18milioni of collections missed. The associations of the merchants and of the public rooms, theatre have already moved through a series of requests to the government for the relief of the already fragile economy like that of the Show. But the most affected by the ‘silence of the cultural’ enforced by coronaviruses are the artists, actors and actresses, and technicians forced to be without work. Just to support them in time of difficulty, with set, production and tour, cancelled or suspended, it is asked that spectators do not ask for refunds on tickets already purchased, but now for the theatre there is a concrete initiative of the Centre for Services and Performances from Udine (CSS), #iosonounmecenate that binds to the campaign #restiamoacasa with the artists.
The world of the Show against the coronavirus: the birth of #iosonounmecenate
Illegale Belgische rave met Nederlandse bezoekers beëindigd
In de Belgische stad Peer is de illegale rave die daar plaatsvond afgelopen nacht beëindigd. Burgemeester Matheï van de gemeente vertelde aan de VRT...