“Therefore be celebrated may 17 – Syttende mai”

“Everything about Norway’s national day”

“Children waving Norwegian flags, joy, and song.”

“may 17 is the day all the norwegians celebrate – a tradition we often find even here in Sweden. Not least to the museum, which offers traditional 17th of may celebration.”

“But why celebrate, really, the norwegians Syttende mai.”

“may 17 – Syttende mai”

“On 17 may is celebrated Norway’s grundlagsdag. The day is celebrated, therefore, that the prince regent Christian Frederik was elected king, and signed Norway’s constitution on 17 may 1814. Later in the same year was forced Norway to revise the law something and join in the establishment of a union with Sweden which lasted until 1905, but the constitution was maintained and ensured that Norway consisted as an independent state during the period. After the union was dissolved on October 26, 1905, the norwegians celebrated Syttende mai every year, with the proper pomp and circumstance.”

“the Celebration is marked by traditions and celebrates the joy of being independent. Around in Norway – and the world can be the Syttende mai see many national costumes, Norwegian flags and hear the national anthem sung.”

“Start with a festfrukost”

“Syttende mai is an important feast day for the norwegians and it often begins with a special festfrukost. It is not uncommon to arrange the pot-luck dinners with neighbors and friends. At the breakfast, usually it is, according to Visit Norway, be invited on freshly baked bread, scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, and champagne for the adults.”

“One of the most important things that happens during the day, it is traditional 17 may-the train. Each year there are several thousand different may 17-train in Norway. Barntågen has been a tradition since the mid-1800s. Barntågen consists of marching bands and festklädda children waving Norwegian flags. “

“The biggest train goes through Oslo, and passing among other things the castle where the Norwegian royal family is waving from the balcony. In the main train in Oslo each year, tens of thousands of people. The trains follow special routes, and are organized so that the kids go to class behind the banners. Barntåg be arranged also in other cities and villages in Norway and in several cities in countries outside Norway, including in Sweden.”

“another thing that belongs to the traditional celebration is that you singing very much. Especially the Norwegian national anthem ”Ja, vi elsker president of the country” but also other songs are common to hear during the celebration. Especially the song ”Rødt, white and blue”, as for many norwegians have become like a second national anthem.”

“Celebrate the 17th of may at Skansen”

“For you to experience a traditional Syttende mai celebration in Sweden, the Skansen is a great place to go to. Here you will find, just like in Norway, many folk costumes, flags and can enjoy singing and joy.”

“In Stockholm is a traditional 17th of may-the train which starts from Raoul Wallenbergs torg at 15.00 and goes along The coastal road and arrive to Skansen via Hasselbacksporten approximately 15.30. Then continue the parade up to the Sollidenplanen. Participants in the festive procession have free entrance to Skansen via Hasselbacksporten.”

“If you find yourself in Norway”

“If you are in Norway on Syttende mai, so take the opportunity to experience the wonderful atmosphere. Just remember to be early if you want a table at a restaurant. Many norwegians end the day with a visit to the restaurant and and it can therefore be smart to be early and book a table.”

“Source: Wikipedia, Visitnorway, Skansen”

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