Celebrations+ FÖLJDärför we celebrate all saints ‘dagAlla saints’ day: Therefore celebrated högtidenFoto: TTVi light candles at the graves during the all saints day.LOVELY FLAT

Soon burning hundreds of thousands of light in our cemeteries and we remember our loved ones who are no longer among us. It is time for all saints day.

All saints ‘ day is celebrated on the Saturday that falls between 31 October and 6 november. Then we light candles and decorate the graves in cemeteries and in minneslundar and think of our loved ones who have left us.

Celebrations and rituals to the memory of our dead have been around a long time, around this time of the year. At the same time marks the time the end of summer and the beginning of winter.

Just as in many other celebrations, there are catholic traits in the all saints ‘ day. The catholic church has been celebrating the weekend since the early middle ages, the weekend was dedicated to the saints who are missing their own holiday. The day after, on november 2, celebrated all souls day to honor and remember the dead members of the family, and the evening before, October 31, was halloween, which was called All Hallows’ Eve. Of the name was formed Halloween. All saints ‘ day in many parts of the western world retained its importance.

In Sweden retained the all saints ‘ day that weekend also after the reformation in the 1500s. The feast was retained despite the fact that the saints were not regarded as a part of the protestant-lutheran faith. In contrast, abolished all souls day on 2 november. But eventually disappeared also all saints ‘ day as a public holiday in the extensive almanacksreformen 1772.

In the end of 1800-century, a tradition developed to light candles at the graves at the cemeteries, primarily in the cities. Mostly it was at the tombs of deceased children who had candles lit. Previously had the candles at the tombs, lit on christmas eve. After the second world war spread to the practice of lighting candles on the graves during the all saints day. The custom came here from the european catholic countries.

There was a proposal in 1924 to restore all saints ‘ day but it took until 1953 before all saints day became a public holiday in Sweden.

Source: the Nordic museum